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Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests pile burning update

Posted 1/22/25

PEAK TO PEAK - Fire managers are monitoring conditions to burn piles in Clear Creek and Boulder Ranger Districts, with the next possible ignitions window starting January 20. Piles could be burned in the following Jefferson, Boulder, and Gilpin...

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Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests pile burning update


PEAK TO PEAK - Fire managers are monitoring conditions to burn piles in Clear Creek and Boulder Ranger Districts, with the next possible ignitions window starting January 20. Piles could be burned in the following Jefferson, Boulder, and Gilpin County locations:

Evergreen: Hand piles near Cub Creek Trailhead, five miles southwest of Evergreen. https://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=abefa61010ee43418aa942f949d2cf5a&center=-105.38,39.565&level=16

Forsythe II Unit 44: Hand piles west of Gross Reservoir, two miles north of Wondervu and half a mile south of Lazy Z. https://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=abefa61010ee43418aa942f949d2cf5a&center=-105.407,39.944&level=15

Lump Gulch Units 27 and 37: Hand piles half a mile north of the intersection of Highway 119 and South Beaver Creek Road, near Pine Drive. https://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=abefa61010ee43418aa942f949d2cf5a&center=-105.47,39.9&level=15

Lump Gulch Unit 35: Hand piles two miles south of Rollinsville on the west side of Highway 119. 


Lump Gulch Unit 18: Hand piles half a mile north of Rollinsville on the west side of Highway 119. https://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=abefa61010ee43418aa942f949d2cf5a&center=-105.508,39.924&level=16

Lump Gulch Unit 38: Hand piles on the south side of South Beaver Creek Road. One mile northeast of the intersection of Highway 119 and South Beaver Creek Road. https://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=abefa61010ee43418aa942f949d2cf5a&center=-105.46,39.892&level=15