waiting for a light to change
I watch the snow melt
into long drops of water
on the windshield
of my truck
it’s so cold today
that I can feel my nostrils freezing
as I step outside
but the sun still shines
and turns ice to water
turns snow to...
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waiting for a light to change
I watch the snow melt
into long drops of water
on the windshield
of my truck
it’s so cold today
that I can feel my nostrils freezing
as I step outside
but the sun still shines
and turns ice to water
turns snow to slush
turns frozen dirt to mud
it’s cold today but next week
it will warm up again
this is scary to me
how even the coldest days
of winter now
are bookended by warmth
by endless sun
by endless traffic
I heard somewhere recently
that we’ve lost thirty
days of winter
in the last ten years
I’ve seen the skiing get worse
the snow pack lower
the pine beetles climb the divide
the mountains bare
in October, November, December
I watch the snow
from the half decent snowfall
in months
melt and drip away
and I think how in my lifetime
I may see the death of winter
for how many more days of it
can we lose
before there is nothing left