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Nederland to secure 13 affordable housing units by 2027

Christopher Kelley
Posted 10/19/23

The Nederland Board of Trustees (BOT) met on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 7 p.m. to hear a presentation on the services that the Emergency Family Assistance Association provides to the greater

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Nederland to secure 13 affordable housing units by 2027


The Nederland Board of Trustees (BOT) met on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 7 p.m. to hear a presentation on the services that the Emergency Family Assistance Association provides to the greater community. They also decided how many affordable housing units the Town of Nederland commits to providing within the next three years.

The BOT approved Resolution 2023-48, formally canceling the scheduled meeting for Tuesday, November 7, and instead scheduling a Work Session for that date in order for Trustees to work on the 2024 Town budget.

Town Administrator Miranda Fisher provided several updates within her report, starting with recognition of the Parks Department having successfully completed the Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) grant program, revitalizing Guercio Field and the surrounding Barker Meadow Parks.

A special thanks was given in the report to the entire Parks Department team: Brian Biggs, Steve Cepek, and Mark Schlosser, and Parks Manager Nicki Dunn.

Fisher also noted that residents can register online to take part in the next community engagement sessions hosted by Godot Communications Inc. (GCI), the firm contracted by Town to develop a branding and marketing campaign for Nederland’s tourism.

An “Evening Networking Event” is scheduled for Monday, October 30, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Nederland Community Library, and a “Community Action Planning Workshop” is scheduled for Tuesday, October 31, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nederland Community Center.

Those interested in attending a “Rebrand Nederland Focus Group” can register online: https://calendly.com/btaylor-kaw/rebrand-nederland-focusgroup?month=2023-10.

Fisher’s report indicated that the Town, in collaboration with the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board and the Mountain Tennis and Pickleball Association, are seeking a GOCO grant to fund improvements to NedRINK. Fisher asked for any interested residents to submit a statement of support and to pledge funds if possible.

For more information go to: https:// engagenederland.us.engagementhq.com/nedrink-update-project.

To pledge or submit a statement of support go to: https://docs. google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLS cTYDCDAxEnUV7q9n379vyv7 8B- lhYvm2XJpZSA9ZDVGo9SlA/viewform.

Trustee John Mountain submitted his letter of resignation, effective the day of the meeting, October 17, and gave his resignation verbally to the board.

Fisher reiterated to the BOT that they must choose to fill Mountain’s seat either by appointment or special election by December 17. Board members plan to vote on the matter during their meeting on November 21. If Trustees vote to appoint they must also decide on how long the application period will be open.

Julie Van Domelen, Executive Director of the Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA), presented information on the services that EFAA provides to Peak to Peak communities, including emergency stabilization, as in direct financial assistance for rent and medical needs.

In addition to offering immediate support and longer term development for those in need, EFAA also works with local food banks, including the Nederland Food Pantry, and provides temporary housing for families with children suffering from household instability and homelessness.

EFAA currently operates eight housing sites, with a total of 64 apartments specifically for families with children. A new site was purchased on East Street in Nederland in June 2022, and was fully converted in early 2023. The property has eight units, four of which are one- to two-bedroom units for families with children; and four are studio apartments specifically for seniors over 60 who are struggling with housing.

Families with children can stay in the units at no rent for the first three months, and at a modest rent for up to 15 months. Seniors do not have a limit as to how long they can rent, but they must be on a local waitlist for housing in order to qualify for EFAA housing.

Domelen specified how EFAA’s resources are provided to the residents of Boulder County. EFAA serves Nederland, Ward, Jamestown, and Gold Hill, and operates in the mountains through an office in the Nederland Community Center.

Domelen noted that her organization saw a 68% increase in new enrollments for EFAA services over the last 12 months. Requests for financial assistance vouchers went from 162 in 2022 to 312 in 2023, and the amount of direct financial assistance provided went from $106,921 in 2022 to $255,147 in 2023.

As a result of inflation and rising housing costs, and with wages remaining stagnant, Domelen noted that the number of people using local food banks has doubled. She noted that 800 children were registered as homeless in Boulder County during the last school year; prior to the COVID-19 epidemic, only 300 children were on that list.

With the BOT entering the drafting process for the Town’s 2024 budget, and considering the increase in requests for their services, EFAA requested $50,000 in funds. Trustees were generally in favor of EFAA’s services and will take the request into consideration.

Trustees were tasked with voting on Resolution 2023-47, authorizing Mayor Billy Giblin to sign an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Boulder County to name the Town of Nederland as the fiscal agent responsible for the recruitment, training, scheduling, and supervising of a part-time Volunteer Driver Program Manager for a pilot program that provides transportation services for seniors and differently-abled citizens.

The program is a result of a partnership between the Peak-to-Peak Housing & Human Services Alliance and the Mountain Mobility Working Group, and will be funded fully by Boulder County. Any expense made by Nederland will be reimbursed. The manager of the program will be responsible for coordinating with the governing agencies to develop the specific program guidelines for mountain communities.

The BOT voted unanimously to approve Resolution 2023-47, authorizing Giblin to sign the IGA.

On September 19, Trustees approved Resolution 2023-42, committing the Town to Proposition 123, the program that controls the State Affordable Housing Fund and provides municipalities with access to funding for affordable housing projects. Trustees committed at that time to a baseline goal of creating seven affordable housing units within three years.

However, the official filing of this commitment has been rejected by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) as a result of Trustees’ use of the alternate income limit, as opposed to the area median income (AMI), when calculating their baseline commitment of seven affordable housing units.

Town Staff, after reviewing recommendations from DOLA, suggested that the BOT either raise their commitment to 12 or 13 affordable units, or provide further justification for use of the alternate income limit, explaining how it “reflects local housing and workforce needs better than the Area Median Income, with more precise context about how the State median income specifically is more reflective” of Nederland’s needs.

Fisher mentioned that a decision needed to be reached at the October 17 meeting, as the revised commitment would need to be filed by November 1. She also noted that, if Trustees were to opt to remain at the commitment of seven units, a reason for doing so could not include the excuse that Nederland does not have enough vacant parcels, as the program provides options and funds that would allow for property conversion opportunities.

After being educated on the opportunities for collaboration with neighboring municipalities that have committed to Proposition 123, and understanding the funding that would be made available through grants and forgivable loans while fulfilling the commitment, Trustees voted to commit to constructing 13 affordable housing units by 2027, based on the Boulder County AMI.

Sustainability Coordinator Leah Haney presented the next action item, concerning whether the Town of Nederland will submit a proposal to the CU Boulder Masters of the Environment Capstone Project.

Haney and the Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) recommend for this year’s Capstone Project proposing graduate students develop a “research-based roadmap for responsible tourism,” with a focus on building equity through providing access to Nederland’s tourist attractions and trails.

In order to provide a more enticing and competitive application, Town staff is recommending offering three students up to $2,500 each in compensation, to be funded by unclaimed funds from the Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Deposit Program. A liaison for the graduate program stated that 75% of their current partners offer students up to $6,000 each in compensation.

Trustees wanted more clarification on how the study for the Capstone Project was different from tourism studies currently being conducted, such as that currently being run by GCI on the branding and marketing strategy, and tourism initiatives from Reimagine Destinations.

Haney noted that the proposed Capstone Project would offer room for the students to collaborate with those leading the other studies, and that the project’s focus, being more revenue-based through access to Nederland’s outdoor industry, sets it apart from other studies.

Despite some Trustees feeling that the project was not typical of the SAB, and that the SAB could put the $8,000 to a more effective use, a motion to approve submitting the proposal and funding up to $8,000 for three CU Boulder graduate students was seconded and approved with a 4-2 vote.

The Nederland Board of Trustees meet on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Their next scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 7 p.m. and can be attended either online or in person at the Nederland Community Center. For more information go to: https:// townofnederland.colorado.gov/board-of-trustees