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Gilpin Student Council gives feedback to BOE

Cecilia Wilson
Posted 12/25/24

GILPIN COUNTY - Gilpin County School Student Council members and their Staff Coordinator, along with Board of Education (BOE) members attended the Colorado Association of School Boards Conference (CASB) at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs...

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Gilpin Student Council gives feedback to BOE


GILPIN COUNTY - Gilpin County School Student Council members and their Staff Coordinator, along with Board of Education (BOE) members attended the Colorado Association of School Boards Conference (CASB) at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs from December 5-7.

The students and BOE members attended different work sessions on a variety of topics, including the use of Artificial Intelligence, Cell Phone Policies, and Leadership Skills at the conference. At the December 10 BOE meeting, class leaders provided feedback to the BOE about what they learned and shared their suggestions of ways to improve the learning environment at the Gilpin County School.

The students were in general agreement that they were lucky to attend a small school and one suggestion was to offer more extra-curricular activities for students.