Candidate Jeremy Fey

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Jeremy Fey


How long, and where have you lived in Gilpin County? I have lived in Central City, Gilpin County, for over 8 years.

What schools have you attended? University of Colorado, University of San Diego, Cherry Creek High School.

What additional training or education have you received relevant to the position of Gilpin County Commissioner? I have completed various governance and leadership training programs, focusing on public administration, economic development, and community engagement. As Mayor of Central City, I have received hands-on experience managing government affairs and leading initiatives for economic growth and sustainability. Most valuable are my efforts to bring together government, business, nonprofits, and residents for open forums over the past 7 years. I pride myself on being the most transparent and accountable public servant in our community. Just look at my 6 years of meeting records—everyone has had the chance to speak and meet with me, both in formal settings and one-on-one.

Briefly describe your current career and home life. Currently, I serve as Mayor of Central City, focusing on economic revitalization and community engagement. I also deliver the Gilpin County newspaper, a job that gives me a unique view of the county from a fresh perspective that has actually inspired my desire to further my public service. At home, I am a father of four daughters and strive to balance my responsibilities between family and the community, a balance I take great pride in achieving. After I drop my daughters at school, I dedicate myself to fulltime public service and will continue to serve 60+ hours a week for Gilpin County once elected.

List the Gilpin County boards, civic, or volunteer activities in which you have been involved and the dates of service.

- Mayor of Central City: January 2019–Present

- Gilpin Arts Association Board of Directors: 2018–Present

- Clean-Up Days: Central City, Gilpin Rec, others: 2017–Present

- Food Bank of the Rockies: 2017–2020

- I also regularly contribute to various charities and one-on-one actions in the community, but I prefer to keep these private. “When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”

“The highest level of charity is giving anonymously to an unknown recipient.”

Have you attended BoCC meetings? Yes, I have attended several BoCC meetings to stay informed and understand the concerns of residents. I have also been the primary catalyst for multi-jurisdictional conversations, bringing Gilpin County, Central City, and sometimes Black Hawk to the table for intergovernmental discussions.

How would you support the County staff? Do you think they are fairly compensated? I support recognizing the hard work of our County staff by advocating for competitive salaries, professional development, and providing resources to perform their duties effectively. While staff work under the County Manager, it is the Commissioners’ responsibility to ensure staffing levels and performance meet taxpayer expectations. Periodic staffing reviews will help ensure resilience and efficiency.

As an elected official, what would be your top 3 goals for the county in the next year? Next four years?

Next Year:

1. Improve transparency and accountability between the county government and residents.

2. Develop a strategic plan for comprehensive safety and health services.

3. Create a sustainable development plan for infrastructure improvements.

Next Four Years:

1. Achieve economic growth in Black Hawk and Central City, ensuring full funding for county services such as first responders and cultural institutions. If both cities reach full economic capacity, we may be able to fully rebate residential property taxes within the next 6–8 years.

2. Expand affordable and senior housing, particularly for teachers, first responders, and local workforce.

3. Implement proactive health and wellness initiatives to make Gilpin County the healthiest in Colorado, emphasizing community resilience and well-being.

How do you view coalition or compromise as effective ways to govern? Coalition and compromise are essential for effective governance, allowing diverse viewpoints to be considered and building consensus on policies that benefit the entire community. Finding common ground is key to achieving positive outcomes for Gilpin County.

What do you see as the greatest issues facing Gilpin County? How would you begin to address them? Economic disparity and a need for a diversified local economy are among the greatest challenges. I would promote balanced growth, including small businesses, tourism, entertainment, and technology, while also addressing the need for affordable housing and infrastructure improvements. Another significant issue is community health. I am developing a comprehensive plan aimed at making Gilpin the healthiest county in Colorado by focusing on preventative health care and community well-being, all supported by economic growth.

How would you encourage residents to get involved in their government? I would encourage involvement through regular town hall meetings, online forums, and transparent communication about decisions and policies. My transparency and accountability plan will be unprecedented, making government more accessible and responsive to residents’ needs. I will also work to encourage other elected officials and staff to adopt these practices.

Why do you want to hold the office for which you are running? Serving as Mayor of Central City has been the greatest professional experience of my life. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished, but I want to expand my focus to include countywide health and wellness initiatives. Having a voice at the county level will allow me to encourage economic development that prioritizes the health and safety of our community.

Have you run for / held political office before? Where? When? Yes, I am currently serving as Mayor of Central City, a position I’ve held since January 2019. I was reelected in 2021 against one of my current opponents for Commissioner.

Will you be able to meet the time requirements of the office? Do you, or will you, have another job as well as that of Commissioner? Yes, I am fully committed to meeting and exceeding the time requirements. I have already shown as Mayor that I go well beyond the necessary time and effort. I will be releasing a public calendar to ensure transparency and accountability. In total, I will dedicate 60+ hours per week to public service in my role as County Commissioner.

How have you, and/or how will you, operate with transparency and honesty in your role as County Commissioner? Transparency and accountability are at the core of my platform. I will hold virtual town halls every Monday before Commissioners’ meetings to discuss agenda items and allow residents to voice their opinions. Additionally, I will hold monthly in-person outreach sessions in each of the three districts, ensuring every resident has access to their government. I will fully disclose all meetings and publish monthly summaries in local newspapers and on social media. Please see my full Transparency and Accountability program online, no other public servant offers this level of transparency and accountability.

Please disclose any current personal and/or professional relationships with the City of Black Hawk, City of Central, or Gilpin County. I have many professional relationships within the local jurisdictions, but none that would conflict with my duties as County Commissioner. I pride myself on maintaining healthy, respectful relationships with officials in Black Hawk, Central City, and Gilpin County.

What is your position on the idea of sexually oriented businesses coming to Central City? Due to ongoing legal issues, I must be cautious in my response. That said, my priority remains addressing Central City’s near $1 million deficit and encouraging responsible economic development.

What is your position on Black Hawk’s offer of $1 million for the Rec Center with all its restrictions? I am open to considering all options that benefit Gilpin County. While Black Hawk’s offer has restrictions, I believe it needs to be explored fully. My GUARANTEE is that the Rec Center is fully operational by 2026, no matter how the funding is structured. Just as important, is my desire to see a large uptick in usage and thus viability of sustained hours.

What experience do you have with budgets? As Mayor of Central City, I have managed the city’s budget, ensuring fiscal responsibility while investing in infrastructure, public services, and economic development. I also have experience managing small business budgets, focusing on growing revenues rather than cutting expenses. As a County Commissioner I will be focused on expanding the economy and thus the facilities and services, not on cutting these essentials.

What kind of growth do you want to see in Gilpin County? Gilpin County’s future depends on economic activity. I will support initiatives that grow our economy, especially in Black Hawk and Central City, to fully fund county services and potentially eliminate residential property taxes. This concentrated growth will benefit the entire county while maintaining its semi-rural character.

What is affordable housing? Senior housing? What steps will you take to implement them in Gilpin County? Affordable and senior housing means providing financially accessible options for those in our community, including teachers, first responders, and seniors. I am already working with developers who are planning to build attainable housing in Central City, which is critical for our workforce and community services.

How would you promote economic diversity in the county? I will primarily work on understanding the needs of existing small businesses throughout the county. I will also encourage the growth of various industries, including tourism, technology, and creative industries. Providing incentives for startups and supporting workforce development programs will ensure economic sustainability.