The Black Hawk City Council approved a water storage agreement with Golden during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council also
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The Black Hawk City Council approved a water storage agreement with Golden during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council also approved purchasing equipment for the Police Department, engineering services for the Elkhorn Tank, and concrete replacement.
Public Works introduced an ordinance approving the Water Storage Agreement between the City of Black Hawk and the City of Golden. In February, the Council approved an ordinance that authorized the City to enter into an agreement with the City of Golden for storage of Black Hawk water in Guanella Reservoir, a facility owned by the City of Golden.
“Subsequent to Council approval, the City of Golden changed City Attorneys and modified the terms of the agreement, specifically dates associated with Black Hawk’s removal of water and length of the agreement (1 year to 3 years),” according to the request for Council action.
Staff has contacted Black Hawk’s Water Counsel, and the changes are acceptable, according to the request. The agreement allows up to 100 acre-feet of storage, with the compensation to Golden in the amount of 50 percent of the water stored. The alternative is to let the water go downstream with no benefit to either party.
The Council approved the agreement.
Police Chief Michelle Moriarty wrote a request for Council Action to approve the purchase of a Police Dispatch Computer System and Radio System, a Tower Microwave, and Specialized Furniture, in conjunction with the 2023 Police Department Remodel Project.
This includes items discussed about remodeling during Police Department Budget planning in 2023. “Our current microwave is outdated and no longer considered reliable,” she wrote.
All computer and radio systems and equipment run off the State of Colorado 800-megahertz system and the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems, both microwave. Staff recommended approval of the resolution.
The Police Department remodel project was requested during the new year budget presentation and the funding for these items are budgeted under the Capital Fund for $635,500. The original quote for the dispatch consoles was $450,000.
The Department is now requesting $224,401, plus a one-time cost of $5,640 for the temporary transfer of equipment to the Gilpin County Dispatch Center for use during the remodel, for a grand total of $230,041.
The original quote for the Tower Microwave was $110,000, but Moriarity is now requesting $86,275.94. “Based on negotiations with Motorola and BearCom (Motorola’s partner company) the PD was able to save money. The savings are roughly $215,000 (consoles) and $23,724 (microwave).”
“The cost for the specialized furniture is $74,116.58 (on budget). We are currently at an estimated saving of $244,000 for these listed items from the initial budgeted request,” Moriarty said.
The Council approved the purchases as well as an engineering contract with Merrick & Company. Public Works introduced an agreement with Merrick & Company for Engineering Services for the Elkhorn Tank Substitute Siting Evaluation Project for an amount not to exceed $72,290.
The City will need an additional potable water storage tank when the Proximo Distillery is operational, according to the request for Council action. Originally a site named Elkhorn was selected on the Young Ranch for this.
“Work has started on the design, but we have since realized that the site may not be suitable or considered the ‘best’ site. This contract is for an investigation and evaluation of other possible sites.”
The project includes calibrating the existing water model and investigating various sites within the City and which would be the best location for the tank. Analysis will include initial construction cost as well as long-term operation and maintenance access, especially during the winter months.
“The intent of the agreement is that after a location is selected the firm will enter a new agreement to perform preliminary design and prepare an opinion of probable cost for use during the budgetary process.”
Public Works requested an agreement with Andraos Construction LLC for the 2023 Concrete Replacement Project in an amount not to exceed $420,000.
Staff has been working to put together a package of concrete repairs along Main Street for months, according to the request for Council action. It has been several years since the City last completed any repairs due to staffing and Covid issues.
“Staff worked with Andraos Construction LLC and Habitat Enterprises since last July to put together bids,” according to the request. “At the last minute, Habitat Enterprises bailed and provided no bid.
“All construction trades are difficult to get scheduled at this point, but Andraos has committed to completing the project this year. Work will include curb and gutter, drainage inlets, bridge deck repair, asphalt patching. If approved, staff will follow up with a formal city trade contractor agreement with necessary attachments.”
The Council approved the agreement.
The next meeting of the City of Black Hawk City Council will be on July 12, 2023. For more information, go to