This year has been an incredible year of growth, change, hope, endurance, new ideas, new staff, new coverage. I have been blessed to be part of this amazing organization since 2006. I look forward to some amazing changes happening in the next week, month and year. I can’t wait to tell you all about them.
One of the many (many) things I worked on this week is my staff bio. I mean, I requested one from each of our contributors. That means I needed to do mine as well. What does that look like? A bio? Why do we do these? We do these to share with you, who our team consists of. With up to 40 contributors each month, we want to recognize each and tell you what they do with us here. Some are paid, some are volunteers. ALL are important to us and part of the bigger “wheel that makes the paper go round.” I say this every week, at the top of page four. And I believe it and stand by it. “The Mountain- Ear is made up of close to 40 contributors per month. Each staff member is one spoke in a very large wheel. Without one spoke, the wheel does not turn effectively. We welcome community journalists and homegrown journalism.” So thank you to our contributors. A few more bios will appear in the next couple of weeks.
Okay, here we go again. Here is my regular spiel about supporting the local newspaper, which hires local people and is run by our local family. We are the only independently owned paper to cover the entire Peak to Peak region, from Allenspark to Central City and Black Hawk. And of course, all the canyons and communities in between. Online subscriptions are currently just $50 per year. That’s less than $1 per week. You can also subscribe for one month at a time or one year in print. We encourage people to try the online edition first, to see if you like it (less expensive to give it a whirl at $6). You can subscribe here to any type of subscription.
The Mountain-Ear is YOUR community newspaper covering everything you love in the entire Peak to Peak region, since 1977. As always, my door is open (in Nederland and Black Hawk), my phone is on and my email gets checked regularly.
See you next year and, as always, thanks for reading!