St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church in beautiful Central City, Colorado.
Are you a far-flung friend who visits the Rockies seasonally, or a Gilpin County local? Are you visiting our beautiful city for a fun weekend or here for our historic Opera House? Are you a Jesus follower, or are you still seeking deeper meaning wherever it may be found? No matter who you are, where you are from, or where you might be on your life's journey, you'll find good company here with fellow pilgrims and searchers on the way!
This place is holy. This place is fun. We love this church, and we think you might too! We try our very best with God's grace to be a welcoming community that practices hospitality, spirituality, and service - in short, embodying the love of God.
There are many ways to embody the love of God, our neighbor, and our selves. And we hope you'll find that sweet spot that both challenges and nourishes you, and others you meet along the way. Life is an adventure! Jump in with us!
Gospel Brunch First Sunday Every Month at 11 a.m.