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PROSAB’s upcoming projects and goals

Amanda J Godfrey
Posted 8/2/23

The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board (PROSAB) met Thursday evening, July 20, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. to be updated on the construction plans for a bike pump track in Chipeta

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PROSAB’s upcoming projects and goals


The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board (PROSAB) met Thursday evening, July 20, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. to be updated on the construction plans for a bike pump track in Chipeta Park, to approve a request for Conservation Trust Funds to repair the surface of the public ice and tennis courts, and to discuss Nederland’s Board of Trustees (BOT) draft of strategic plans and goals for 2023 - 2024.

To start the meeting, Parks Manager Nicki Dunn gave a staff report for June 2023. According to Dunn, Chipeta Park is “coming to life” but maintenance is needed for this transformation, such as new swings and clearing the stream that feeds the children’s fishing pond. Dunn noted some difficulties that arose this summer at the public ice rink, where a lack of regular maintenance was at the root of certain issues.

Next on the agenda was Board Member Alex Zabierek’s summary of PROSAB’s meeting with the public ice rink and Mountain Tennis and Pickleball Association (MTPA) on July 6. Zabierek noted the progress being made on submitting a concept paper for a grant request for funds and the increased collaboration of the rink’s and MTPA’s representatives.

Sam Ovett followed up with an update concerning the bike pump track project. In order to best inform the public about the details and timeline concerning this future recreational area, the Board recommended that Ovett publish an FAQ or a Pros and Cons list about the pump track. This would communicate to Nederland residents the extensive process and thought that has gone into this project.

The information items section of this meeting’s agenda then ended with a briefing on various funds such as the Conservation Trust Fund and Eldora’s parking lot rental.

The first action item was the newly opened PROSAB member seat. An alternate candidate KC Cunilio was approved by PROSAB to be recommended to the BOT as the official member. The request for applications for a new alternate position will be available on August 2, with a due date of August 23.

Dunn, on behalf of the ice rink and MTPA, then requested a portion of the Conservation Trust Fund to remove the surface of the ice rink and tennis courts.

During her request, Dunn asserted the importance of this project, as the current condition of these surfaces presents a safety hazard: the tennis and pickleball courts have begun to disintegrate to the point of also disrupting the ice surface when it is on top. The Board approved the $17,500 project to ensure a professionally finished surface that will last for years to come.

The discussion items section of the agenda focused on a few community-oriented projects, one of which was the presentation of the findings from a compensation study on the employees of the Parks Department staff.

This study, conducted by Denver’s Employer’s Council, was intended to help PROSAB and BOT to more accurately pay park employees for the actual work their jobs entail, and to compete with pay rates in other Front Range parks. The goal for the Nederland Parks Department is to be the “employer of choice” and to keep salaries competitive.

The meeting concluded with a review and discussion of the BOT’s draft of the strategic plan and goals for the rest of 2023 and for 2024. Some of these items included fostering a stronger appreciation for Town employees and modernizing the town’s infrastructure to better mitigate natural hazards and promote economic growth.

Board members briefly discussed their own suggested additions and edits to the draft, one of which is the importance of the Park, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) Amendment Plan. The final draft of this document is expected to be published by August 15.

The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board meets virtually and in person on the third Thursday of every month. Their next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 17, 2023.

For more information about PROSAB, please visit https://nederlandco. civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation. aspx?Id=617.