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PROSAB renames open space “Moose Meadows”

Christopher Kelley
Posted 5/27/23

The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board (PROSAB) met on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. to hear an update on the Trails Master Plan, to organize volunteer days for the

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PROSAB renames open space “Moose Meadows”


The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board (PROSAB) met on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. to hear an update on the Trails Master Plan, to organize volunteer days for the pulling of noxious weeds around town, and to vote on the renaming of the South Mud Lake Open Space.

Parks Manager Nicki Dunn presented her staff report, which covered work currently being done to and around Guercio Field. A new drainage system has been installed, the last of the trees have been planted, and grading of the field has been done twice in preparation for hydroseeding work which began on May 18.

Dunn also mentioned that volunteers are needed for Town Clean Up Day on June 3, as well as for May 31, June 7, June 17, June 21, and July 1, for work around Guercio Field such as trail work, pouring and mixing concrete, constructing park amenities, and planting miscellaneous shrubs.

Board Member Jason Swann and Board Alternate KC Cunilio provided information on the Outdoorist Oath, an organization founded by Teresa Baker, Jose Gonzalez, and Pattie Gonia, that is focused on activism to support “the planet, inclusion, and adventure.” Swann described the organization’s Oath Workshops as an opportunity to hear a variety of different voices speak on equity, inclusion, social justice, wellness, and reimagining the outdoors.

Oath Workshops are held in person and are not online or recorded. The next workshop will be held on Thursday, June 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.; visit their website at https:// www.outdooristoath.org to sign up for a workshop or for more information on the Outdoorist Oath.

University of Colorado college of Architecture and Planning students Sarah Drew and Amanda Ferro presented a comprehensive update involving their work on Nederland’s Trails Master Plan. Drew and Ferro provided board members with their takeaways and suggestions on the challenges of accessibility, safety, and connectivity of Nederland’s parks and trails.

For their work on drafting the Trails Master Plan document, Drew and Ferro, who are Urban and Regional Planning graduate students with specialties in landscape architecture, have reviewed existing maps, Town plans, and GIS data, as well as conducting field surveys and community surveys. The provided update indicated that more multi-jurisdictional collaboration was needed for true trail connectivity and suggested the Colorado Department of Transportation and Infrastructure assist in improving and expanding connected streets. It was also suggested that the Town focus on expanding Wayfinding and education efforts, as well as work on a more cohesive route system.

Suggestions for both Nederland’s trails and parks included having a more thorough ADA analysis be conducted with the assistance of a coordinator in order to better address accessibility concerns, and establishing an infrastructure maintenance schedule to address safety issues.

PROSAB discussed scheduling days for volunteer Noxious Weed removal in Chipeta Park and at Barker Meadow Reservoir, as well as ways to incentivize business owners and homeowners to clean up their properties of troublesome and invasive weeds. Knapweed and Scentless Chamomile are the two harmful weeds most common to the area. Community weed pulls are important to protecting the native ecology and supporting erosion control.

Board members suggested partnering with a brewery to donate a keg of beer to encourage volunteers, creating a competition for neighborhoods with an as-of-yet undetermined prize, promoting through social media, posting informative weed “wanted” posters, and enlisting goats to help get rid of the weeds. Dunn noted that the Parks Department and the Sustainability Advisory Board are working to enlist yaks to assist with the weeds this year.

The Board approved Saturday, June 10 as the weed removal day for Chipeta Park, and Saturday, June 24 for Barker Meadow.

Board members wondered whether to vote for the reappointment of PROSAB Vice Chair Sam Ovett, whose term ends in June, or to wait to see if any additional applications come in before May 31. The date for acceptance of applications had been extended by the Town of Nederland due to the lack of applicants.

The motion to recommend to the Board of Trustees that Ovett be appointed to the empty seat was approved unanimously.

PROSAB Member CT Hutt presented the next Action Item on the agenda, which involved renaming the South Mud Lake Open Space, located between the Caribou Room and Tejas Lane, and to implement signage to designate the space as an official Town asset. At their last meeting, on April 20, the Board voted to approve the renaming of the open space to Tammy Forrest Open Space, as well as authorized Hutt as the volunteer to provide the sign fabrication and mounting.

Tammy Forrest Open Space was the ranked winner by 18 votes in a poll conducted of 65 households, resulting in 39 responses. However, Forrest has since declined to have her name included as an option. According to the poll, Moose Meadows was the next ranked winner.

Dunn, as well as several Board members, wanted to revisit the discussion of using the naming of the open space as a funding source. However, Hutt stated that in the interest of conservation the parcel should be allocated as a Nederland open space sooner rather than later. Hutt felt strongly that giving the space a name brings recognition and an authentication to the land.

The Board voted to approve the renaming of the open space to Moose Meadows Open Space, as well as authorized Hutt again as the volunteer tasked with creating and installing the official sign.

The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board meets on the third Thursday of every month. Their next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 2023, and can be attended online.

For more information go to: https://townofnederland.colorado. gov/parks-recreation-open-spaceadvisory board