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PROSAB ramps up planning for potential pump track

Christopher Kelley
Posted 3/26/23

The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board (PROSAB) met on Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 7 p.m. to vote to recommend a candidate for the vacant position on their board. Board

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PROSAB ramps up planning for potential pump track


The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board (PROSAB) met on Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 7 p.m. to vote to recommend a candidate for the vacant position on their board. Board members also continued their discussions on the proposed bicycle pump track and dog park projects.

Before discussing any items on their agenda, board members welcomed their newest alternate member KC Cunilio, to PROSAB.

PROSAB heard an update from University of Colorado college of Architecture and Planning students Sarah Drew and Amanda Ferro involving their work on assessing Nederland’s goals for a Trails Master Plan in order to bring Nederland closer to properly developing that plan. Drew and Ferro discussed with board members the specific goals and priorities of their project, as well as presented a detailed timeline.

Drew and Ferro have so far been reviewing case studies and comprehension reports involving Trails Master Plans, and will be providing deeper analysis in the following weeks with the hope of delivering a draft of their findings by the first week of May.

PROSAB has been working through the preliminary stages of drafting a proposed project which involves renaming the open space, located between the Caribou Room and Tejas Lane, to the Tammy Forrest Open Space. Forrest is a retired Nederland Elementary school teacher whose family has resided in the mountains for generations. The concept includes renaming the open space, with Forrest being the one proposed option so far, as well as implementing signage in order to better designate the area and recognize it as a Town asset.

The board heard from Tejas Lane resident Bill Ikler concerning the history of the open space near his property and heard his opinions on how to manage redesigning the social trails within the space, including the trail entrance from Tejas Lane that is on private property. Ikler spoke about the original intergovernmental agreement (IGA) that involved the annexation of Mud Lake and noted that several plans for development of the open space in question, which Ikler notes was originally named South Mud Lake Open Space, include plans for industrial and commercial use.

Ikler was also concerned about future mitigation efforts and keeping the wetlands within the open space intact.

PROSAB continued the discussion of the proposed renaming of South Mud Lake Open Space with the focus on devising ways to broaden public engagement in order to reach common ground and make expedient progress on the project. Board members suggested releasing a public survey with three choices for names for the open space, including Tammy Forrest Open Space.

Board members clarified that they were in agreement to pursue public outreach concerning suggested names for the open space.

On February 16, 2023, PROSAB Chair Jessie Ansari officially resigned from her position. The Town collected applications for the position from February 23 to March 16, 2023, at 5 p.m. Applicants Jason Swann and Lindsey Ute were present to answer questions from board members; applicant Chuy Vallejo was unable to attend the meeting.

With Ansari’s departure the role of PROSAB Chair is left vacant as well as her board position. Before hearing from the applicants PROSAB first voted to recommend one of their current board members to the open role of Chair, as well as decided to appoint a Vice Chair. Board members appointed Kat Barr to the position of Chair and Sam Ovett to Vice Chair.

Swann spoke with board members about his love for the environment and his experience as an advocate for conservation. Swann founded his own social and environmental advocacy organization, Rising Routes, and most recently has worked as a Conservation Finance Program Director, assisting municipalities in implementing legislation and ballot measures to create new funds for conservation initiatives. Swann desires to work on the projects affecting Barker Meadows Park funded by Great Outdoors Colorado grants, as well as the Trails Master Plan.

Ute spoke about her desire to better serve her community through PROSAB, stating her love of parks and open spaces and how they bring communities together. Ute has a background in analytics and in project management, which includes building and maintaining relationships between all departments and individuals, from the CEO to stakeholders. Ute desires to work on the Trails Master Plan, especially the matter of creating an interconnected trail system, as well as the proposed project for a dog park in town.

Board members voted 4 - 3 to recommend Jason Swann to be appointed to the vacant board position. The matter of appointing either Swann, Ute, or Vallejo to PROSAB will go before the BOT during their meeting on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

PROSAB Chair Ovett and BOT liaison to PROSAB and Owner and President of High Performance Earthworks Jesse Seavers led the board in a discussion concerning the proposed Bicycle Pump Track project. The grassy area between the parking lot and basketball court in Chipeta Park, including the area that runs perpendicular to the walking path up from the parking lot to the covered seating area, is the prime location considered for the construction of the track.

Ovett addressed board members about the possibility of requesting $15,000 in funding for the preliminary stages of the project, such as design work and construction plans, from the Nederland Downtown Development Authority (NDDA). Professional contractors American Ramp Company (ARC) are being considered to provide the design work and construction plans necessary for the project to gain momentum in fundraising for the construction costs. Pump track construction through ARC can cost anywhere from $250,000 to $500,000.

Asphalt or dirt have been the only materials discussed for the pump track so far, though ARC would be able to provide different surface material options. Ovett and Seavers noted that Broomfield’s dirt track requires constant maintenance due to snow and rain, and that asphalt is the best material in regards to long-term durability.

Board members voted to approve requesting $15,000 from the NDDA, which would have to be accessed through a supplemental budget, in order to fund a full design package from ARC for the Chipeta Park pump track.

PROSAB discussed the prospect of constructing a dog park and analyzed potential locations for the project, which is a project that has yet to be drafted and officially proposed. Seavers presented the idea and desired to gauge support and interest from the board.

Location and maintenance were the biggest areas of focus and concern during the conversation, with Town Parks Department Director Nicki Dunn specifying that Angel Park in Old Town, and Big Springs Park are areas that have been considered in the past.

Dunn noted that fencing would be the biggest cost in constructing a dog park, as would a water tap, though it was mentioned that a tap is not necessary if the responsibility of water collection is left to community efforts, which is customary at some Boulder dog parks.

The Nederland Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Board meets on the third Thursday of every month. Their next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 27, 2023, and can be attended online.

For more information go to: https:// townofnederland.colorado.gov/parksrecreation open-space-advisory-board.