Some words for the week
what does it mean to be a poet
is it waking up before work
and writing until you have to leave
trying to get some words down
between the day and night
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Some words for the week
what does it mean to be a poet
is it waking up before work
and writing until you have to leave
trying to get some words down
between the day and night shift
is it living on nothing
and writing all the time
sleeping in friends couches
in tents in shacks
at your parents house
is it working at a university
or a high school
forcing kids to read books
they’ll skim and hate
is it living in love or rejecting it
is it being alone
or with people all the time
is it working hard
or waiting till the magic comes
is it longing
is it longing?
no matter
I’m at work now
and there is a spider
on a scrap piece of wood
I set the corner of the wood
onto the dirt
and coax him off with a finger
and I am glad I didn’t kill him
Alexander Shalom Joseph is a writer from Gilpin County. He is a published author. For more information and to subscribe to Alexander’s Newsletter go to