Some words for the week
on the way home from the job
up the winding roads
overlooking the aspen valleys
carved by one great glaciers
now reduced to near dry creeks
feeling the early
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Some words for the week
on the way home from the job
up the winding roads
overlooking the aspen valleys
carved by one great glaciers
now reduced to near dry creeks
feeling the early summer heat
stronger in June
than it used to be in August
I get a sense of cycles eons long
the great melting
the great freezing
the great melting again
how many times
has that happened
and how many more
will it repeat
and here we are
working our days away
praying eating trying to sleep
getting gas falling in love
waiting in traffic
imagining great mountains of ice
deep oceans full of things dead
for thousands of times longer
than the farthest reaches
of human time
it’s sort of a miracle
I come to think
how much damage we have done
in our blip of a moment
in the great spinning
of days and centuries
there are cycles yes
but we’ve helped to speed them
helped to make the coming flood
that much sooner
and when these valleys
are carved anew
by future ice age glaciers
melting into rivers once again
all that will be left of us
will be plastic pieces
stuck frozen in water
and nothing else
in all we hurt and hoped for
only plastic will remain
all the good poems
the great loves
the perfect summer evenings
the genius ideas
all this will fade long before
the Coke bottle
the guy in front of me
on a motorcycle
just littered onto
the side of the road
Alexander Shalom Joseph is a writer from Gilpin County. He is a published author. For more information and to subscribe to Alexander’s Newsletter go to