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Poetry Corner

Poetry Corner

by Alexander Shalom Joseph
Posted 7/2/24

Some words for the week

Birdsong on night air

sung by birds I can’t name

in the meadow

where I cut up a fallen pine

where I came in the snow

and under the stars


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Poetry Corner

Poetry Corner


Some words for the week

Birdsong on night air

sung by birds I can’t name

in the meadow

where I cut up a fallen pine

where I came in the snow

and under the stars

with friends

with my lover

with two dogs now gone

by myself

and tonight at sunset

so much has changed

and yet the purple flowers

I’ve never been able to

identify still bloom

and above me

calling from one tree to another

a birdsong I’ve never heard

how much I long to be part of

the world

their world

that of bloom and beak and beauty

how much I long for it

and yet all I can do

is trample buds

on my way home in the dark

Alexander Shalom Joseph is a writer from Gilpin County. He is a published author. For more information and to subscribe to Alexander’s Newsletter go to alexandershalomjoseph.com