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Poetry Corner

Poetry Corner

by Alexander Shalom Joseph
Posted 2/6/24

Some words for the week

every year now

I write the same sort of poem

about forgetting the possibility

of summer sun and heat

in this time

of long cold and low light

when the

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Poetry Corner

Poetry Corner


Some words for the week

every year now

I write the same sort of poem

about forgetting the possibility

of summer sun and heat

in this time

of long cold and low light

when the stove’s always running

popping with pine pockets

and all the flowers are dead

you can get so used to

things all shriveled and gone

it’s amazing to imagine

that in this valley

of highway crusted snow

there will be flowers again

sooner than we think

always sooner these days

those white petaled

yellow centered

clusters of wild chamomile

will eat up these hills

Alexander Shalom Joseph is a writer from Gilpin County. He is a published author. For more information and to subscribe to Alexander’s Newsletter go to alexandershalomjoseph.com