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PODCAST: Tin Shed Sports, Holistic Homestead, The River Arkansas, the story of the mighty dandelion, music mentions, news briefs, and more

Posted 4/10/23

Listen in this week as we hear from Tin Shed Sports in Nederland. https://www.tinshedsports.com/We catch up with Holistic Homestead in Gilpin County. https://theholistichomestead.org/The

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PODCAST: Tin Shed Sports, Holistic Homestead, The River Arkansas, the story of the mighty dandelion, music mentions, news briefs, and more


Listen in this week as we hear from Tin Shed Sports in Nederland. 


We catch up with Holistic Homestead in Gilpin County. 


The River Arkansas is playing this weekend at the Caribou Room. 



We hear the story of the mighty dandelion. As always music mentions and news briefs and more.