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Pizzeria design paves the way for construction

John Scarffe
Posted 3/18/23

The Black Hawk City Council approved the design for a new pizzeria on Gregory Plaza during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council

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Pizzeria design paves the way for construction


The Black Hawk City Council approved the design for a new pizzeria on Gregory Plaza during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council also approved a new retail liquor store license for Peak to Peak Market, LLC, and an ordinance for a transportation grant.

Matt Reed with Public Works presented a resolution approving the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with PEH Architects for design services on the Copper Kitchen Pizzeria in the Amount of $291,170.

The Gregory Street Plaza is complete, except for a vacant lot that remains between the McAfee House and Church Street, at the old Lilly Belle’s site, according to the request for Council action. “A proposal has been put forth to relocate the existing structure currently located at 271 Gregory Street to this vacant area, and redevelop it into a restaurant and taproom to be known as the Copper Kitchen Pizzeria,” the request states. On November 10, 2021, City Council approved a contract with PEH Architects to complete conceptual design services for the Copper Kitchen Pizzeria project.

PEH has completed the conceptual stage of this project, and they are ready to move forward with a full set of construction plans. This PSA would authorize PEH Architects to complete a full set of architectural and engineering plans necessary to obtain a building permit.

Reed said they had a few name changes. Mayor David Spellman said that at first the idea for the building was for a brewery, but they decided to just go to a full bar.

PEH showed slides of the building and where it will go. Another building will be moved over. The design has some copper on the roof and the bay window, and it will have new window treatments.

The interior design for the Gregory Plaza building includes dining areas, a bar and an outdoor covered porch, and an event plaza. The oven will be gas-fired wood assist, so it is a dual system.

PEH has hired a kitchen consultant and interior design consultant. Reed said the City will only pay more than the amount approved if additional services are requested.

The City has four contractors interested in the project. The opening is predicted for June of next year.

PEH has worked with house-moving companies before, and the moving company will do some of the stabilization. The Council approved the resolution.

The Council approved a new retail liquor store license for Peak to Peak Market, LLC, dba Peak to Peak Liquors at 7320 Black Hawk Blvd., Suite 1A, and set the boundaries of the neighborhood as the entire city. The public hearing was set for April 12.

Public Works Director Thomas Isbester introduced an ordinance approving the operating grant agreement between the Colorado Department of Transportation Division of Transit and Rail, and the City of Black Hawk for 2023 in an amount not to exceed $112,884.

The City was successful in being awarded an FTA 5311 grant for operating the shuttle service. This grant is administered by CDOT and requires a 50 percent match from the City.

This is the same grant program the City has been receiving since 2018. The grant is typically used to offset some of the costs incurred with the City’s contract operator, MV.

The Council approved the ordinance.

The next meeting of the City of Black Hawk Council will be on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. For more information, go to https://www.cityofblackhawk.org/.