It’s been an interesting month here, as we all shift into our new news roles at the newspaper. I’ve had dozens of emails come in congratulating me on my new role, and even many people congratulating me on retiring (note, I’m not retiring). I’m enjoying the support, but you have always been supportive. I’m lucky that way!
Another thing I have been doing is squashing rumors being spread by another publication. So let’s set the record straight the easy way, share it in print (and online). The Mountain-Ear is now owned by Mountain Vale Media. The parent company will have a physical address in Nederland sometime this summer. In the meantime we have the same office we have had for the last seven years at 20 E Lakeview Drive, Unit 109, in Nederland (inside Brightwood Music). As well we have the same office at 245 Apollo Drive, in Black Hawk (where I have worked at home since we moved in). And, we added another office location at 430 Lawrence Street, in Central City. So yeah, three locations. Our hours are by appointment so we can make sure someone is at any of our locations to meet with you. You can still call the main line at 303-810-5409 to reach us. And you can email anytime to
We are a Periodical and we mail weekly out of the Nederland Post Office with the option of using our Exceptional Dispatch privilege in Central City or Black Hawk. We’ve never used it because our post office in Nederland is so awesome at getting the papers out to each of you in a timely manner. We have been publishing every single week (never missing one) since I joined the paper about 16 years ago. Before that, they never missed a week either. We became a weekly publication just about 44 years ago, having been every other week before that (since October 1977).
What we are not here for is to get into an argument with another publication. We know there is enough news and enough advertising to go around. We have supported many publications around us and will continue to do so. We will share what we are doing and would love to hear what you are doing. We’re all in this together. Let’s grab a coffee? Or a beer? Brainstorm how this can be a cohesive community effort.
The reason we do this whole newspaper thing is to bring you timely and informative articles, cover our local government, schools, community events, police and more. We are here for you, YOUR community newspaper.
Beyond that, I have been out in the community more than ever. I’m taking in a lot of information about new businesses, long-time businesses, and some soon to close businesses. I’m brainstorming how to get the word out about all of our local businesses. And we are all working on a plan for that. I am customizing marketing plans for individuals to meet their budget capabilities. I am working on design concepts with our staff, to draw new eyes to the same ads we have been running for a while, without losing the branding the businesses have been building. And hey, I can’t skip the ability to plug that we are hiring a Marketing Coordinator. Look for info on page 11.
The Mountain-Ear is YOUR community newspaper covering everything you love in the entire Peak to Peak region, since 1977.