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Peak Perspectives: Reflections



I’m a bit blocked this morning with a mind that is spinning with all I have to finish today. I am about to hit send on the paper. I have worked many hours putting together small bits of information to insert in spots that are open. We have beautiful stories this week with a lot of great information. I added a few photos I took this morning of the beautiful snow we were blessed with overnight. I love the snow, as much as I hate the cold. If I could just stay inside today, it would be amazing. But next I’ll finish subscriptions, print labels and drive down to Boulder to pick up papers. I don’t mind the drive. I enjoy the quiet and I know roads will be a bear, so I’ll go extra slow and hope everyone is as cautious as I am on the ice and snow.

My mind drifts backwards to a time a few years ago, where I felt the need to really evaluate where I was at and what my short-term goals should focus on. I’m always planning long-term, but I rarely focus on my personal life in the short-term. I kinda go with the flow of things. Life is too short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Read the book. Wear what you want. Express yourself. Say I love you. Say I love you, again. One more time.

These past three pandemic years have taught me much. So much. This week I will deposit my first real paycheck since January 2020. In reality it’s my first real paycheck since 2018, when I left another job to help with the care of my friend and to focus on what the paper would need when she was gone. That’s a major accomplishment for me. While the paper has always broken even (or close to it), it has not always thrived. It has survived. I’m so excited to move back towards thrive mode, with our new owner helping make the dream a reality.

I spent the last decade pondering how I got here (I mean I guess we always ponder that). I’m excited to end my 50th year in a better position to truly appreciate life. I look forward to 51. What will that look like? I’ll keep working. I’ll keep doing everything I do anyways. I hope I can help more people. Help in the ways that people have always helped me. I’ll take on new adventures. I’ll go on vacation (yes, I am planning this already). I’ll spend more time with my family. I’ll spend more time with friends.

I’m not sure how this will evolve, but I do know, tomorrow is not guaranteed. For any of us. Life is meant to be lived. Fully. Embrace it. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Read the book. Wear what you want. Express yourself. Say I love you. Say I love you, again. One more time.

Sorry this one was a bit more personal than business. Here is my regular spiel. The Mountain-Ear is YOUR community newspaper covering everything you love in the entire Peak to Peak region, since 1977. As always, my door is open (in Nederland and Black Hawk), my phone is on and my email gets checked regularly. Contact me at info@themountainear.com or call 303-810-5409.