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Peak Perspectives: Local news, by locals, for locals



What an incredibly exciting week I have had. Progress has been made daily on multiple projects, including Taste of the Peaks spring edition, three papers being laid out side-by-side, onboarding two new staff members, working with a couple of community members that should be on staff, and attending multiple meetings in the region. Tomorrow night, I will run the Nederland Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Meeting, of which I am Chair. I’ve been on the DDA for just over three years. It’s an honor to serve on the board as a local business member and as a person that is well connected to so many facets of the community. In May I will decide if I am going to reapply to the board, or if I will take a new direction with my “spare time.” In the meantime, we have a lot going on on the board and I am super excited for the meeting tomorrow.

Beyond the DDA, I spend a lot of time working with businesses to help find ways to promote them to the entire community (Peak to Peak), often on limited budgets. I am excited for the new Chamber of Commerce that is forming in our region. It will cover every mountain town from Allenspark to Central City and Black Hawk. It will encompass all of the canyon communities from Jamestown to Golden Gate. And it will be an opportunity for a lot more networking that has not been available to us in a cohesive manner. I hope lots of people attend that meeting in Black Hawk on March 16, 2023, at 6 p.m. at JKQ BBQ.

On the homefront, I am getting ready for a quick vacation. It’s the first one I have had in many years where I will only work a few hours in one week. Don’t worry, we have so many incredible people on staff, nothing will be missed. It is also an “It’s Your Turn” edition which means other than a few key stories, it will be primarily reader written. To submit your original work, check out the link here: https://www.themtnear.com/submitits your-turn/

As well, there is a Youth Art Contest we are holding to promote the young artists of our communities. Check out this link for info and submit your artwork for fabulous prizes and recognition: https:// www.themtnear.com/articles/youth-artshow/

We also have been receiving more business stories this week. We offer a business story to all businesses in our region, free of charge. You can find out more and submit yours here: https://www.themtnear.com/business-short-takes/

Not to mention the opportunity to share a news tip with us. News tips are passed along to the editorial staff to see if we want to write a story about them. This can include anything from an upcoming hockey game to a criminal case in court (we don’t cover civil). You can submit that here: https://www.themtnear.com/ submit-your-news-tip/

Have a letter you want to share? You can submit that online as well. Our letter guidelines are right here: https://www.themtnear.com/submit-letter-or-guestopinion/

And last, you can submit an author or artist spotlight request online as well. Click on this link for additional information: https://www.themtnear.com/ submit-author-spotlight/

Not excited to submit information online? We are always reachable by email at info@themountainear.com or by phone at 303-810-5409. The Mountain-Ear is YOUR community newspaper, covering the news you love since 1977.