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Peak Perspectives: Leaping into Spring



This week has been an exceptionally exciting time at the newspaper. We are delving into the next Taste of the Peaks. We have hired a Marketing and Advertising Coordinator, who will be reaching out to businesses in the Peak to Peak. Have you seen the Taste of the Peaks? It’s beautiful. We have removed businesses that have closed, added in new info about individual businesses, and we are adding in stories and more photos of the region. Check out the November edition here: https://www.themtnear.com/pageview/viewer/taste-of-the-peakswinter-2022.

We also set up our new billing system. That means invoices are now going out from the new company. We will have online payment options in the future, to make it even easier to advertise and pay your invoices.

Christian is hard at work on the new website. You can expect to see that launch in the next month or so. In the meantime, our site is still up and fully functional at https://www.themtnear.com/

We have a few open positions at the paper. Do you love writing or covering news? We are looking for more community focused journalists. This is a part-time, paid position and has a specific geographical region to cover. It’s perfect for someone who works part-time in the community we need covered. Contact us at info@themountainear.com for more information.

What are we missing? What would you like to see more of? Less of? Shoot us an email with your thoughts and ideas.

You’ll notice several stories this week about shelter dogs. We are dedicating the rest of February to finding homes for long-term animals at Charlie’s Place. Do you have the ability to give one of these amazing animals a home? You can read these stories within the pages here. Or you can find more information on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofcharliesplace or on their website at https://charliesplaceshelter.weebly.com/.

Interested in learning more about what we do? Subscribe! See ad on page 32.

Interested in advertising? Give us a call at 303-810-5409 or email us at ads@themoutnainear.com for additional information. Check out the Taste of the Peaks ad information on page 23.

We are now scheduling appointments at all three of our locations to meet with advertisers, subscribers and anyone that simply wants to talk about community news and events. We have offices in Nederland, Black Hawk and Central City. And, watch the paper for upcoming News & Brews this spring!

The Mountain-Ear is YOUR community newspaper covering everything you love in the entire Peak to Peak region, since 1977.