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Peak Perspectives: Changes in latitude, changes in attitude


It’s been a few days since I took off on my vacation. One of the coolest things about having a paying job (besides well, the paycheck), is having time off. Last year I did a buyout in December for the vacation time I didn’t use. It was most of my vacation time. This year I am determined I’ll use every hour. I mean, it’s in recognition of the hard work I do, that means I should take vacations. Right? Relax my brain and body once in a while.

Things I think about when I’m not in the office include…when I left the office…when I have to be back in the office…how many hours til that happens. For real. But this time I’m not spending time looking at my email every hour. I’m checking it early in the morning and then late at night. The in between time is my time to walk, read, sunbathe, swim, eat, and just wander the island.

I’m also driving around checking out the public art down here. And I am getting to know some nice people. There are lots of folks from Venezuela (Mexico treats them very well), and lots from Argentina (same thing). Like you show up and you want to work, bang, you’re in. Hmmm…

I am taking photos of the handicapped accessible spaces, in case my mom wants to come down one of these times.

In the meantime I’m enjoying my downtime. I’m celebrating over 17 years at the paper, four years of marriage to my sweetheart (together over 13 years). And enjoying the much-needed downtime of not thinking about newspapers every minute.

In my other time I’m working on the candidates forum (March 4 at 5:30 p.m. in Nederland). Hope to see lots of you there!! It’s at the Nederland community center.