Hello to all our friends, neighbors, readers, listeners and general Peak to Peak community.
This week I want to start by saying a HUGE thanks to all of the people that donated to our #newsCOneeds campaign during December. We had a smaller year than normal, simply because we changed the structure of what we were doing. We almost met our goal, and had a match from a community member that gave us more donations than in the past.
Thank you Roz Bagtaz, Jeff Young, Robert Busch, Diana Underhill, Michael Klitz, Ted Michals, Eric Dady, Mike Kennedy, Margie Yansura, Christian Vanek, John Jansch, Jennifer Borah, Roxy Goss, James Armitage, Michael Wolfe and Monica LaSalle.
Our newspaper digital archive project is in full swing with the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection (CHNC). Collaboratively, we are working to preserve the history of Nederland and all of our coverage areas. The first 11 years are completed and available here: https:// www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/ and enter The Mountain-Ear in the search bar. for you to read for free. This particular goal continues to be preservation and sharing the knowledge of over 45 years of The Mountain-Ear, with you! The next round, covering 1/5/1989 to 12/21/1995 is paid for and in process. After that the final round of microfilm will move forward. That will wrap up 12/28/1995 to 2/11/2010. After that is completed, we begin our hand scan pages that cover the remainder of 2010 to mid 2015. And finally, we will take all of our digital files from 2015 to now and get them uploaded.
For all topics, I welcome your thoughtful letters, comments and ideas. And, if you have a story idea about any topic, pitch it to us. If you have an event that needs covered, send it in. A music promotion or school sports story we missed? We are here for you!
Now a quick plug about our online subscriptions. Online subscriptions are just $50 per year. That’s less than $1 per week. Subscribe online here: https:// www.themtnear.com/subscribe/. And, if you are already a subscriber to The Mountain-Ear, email me and I will get you set up for an online subscription (free for all print subscribers). If you’re not a subscriber, we can get you set up for a FREE 30 day online trial (these are sponsored by local businesses and community members that want to make sure you have all of the news you need in our region).. We don’t want you to miss a thing!
Friends, in case you’re thinking of eating out, check out this link for info about eating at local establishments across the Peak to Peak. The Taste of the Peaks was updated in November of 2022. We cover the entire Peak to Peak region with a bit of information on where to be and what to see! If your listing needs to be updated, email us at info@themountainear.com and we’ll take care of that before our next print (coming up this spring). Here is the link to the current Taste of the Peaks: https://www.themtnear.com/pageview/viewer/tasteof the-peaks-winter-2022. We continue to be the ONLY print publication that shares this full list, and we keep it online year-round for you.
We always welcome your thoughtful input on what we are covering, what we should be covering, and what you want in YOUR newspaper each week. We welcome you pointing out typos and errors. Hey, we’re human and we make mistakes too.
The Mountain-Ear is YOUR community newspaper, covering all of the news you love in the entire Peak to Peak region, since 1977.
As always, our door is open (in Nederland, Central City and Black Hawk), our phone is on, and our email gets checked regularly. Contact us at info@themountainear.com or call 303- 810-5409.