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New radios approved for Central City Fire Department

Mindy Leary
Posted 4/14/23

Mayor Jeremy Fey called the Central City Council regular meeting to order at approximately 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman Marcia

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New radios approved for Central City Fire Department


Mayor Jeremy Fey called the Central City Council regular meeting to order at approximately 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman Marcia Enloe, Alderman Todd Williams, and Mayor Pro-tem Kara Tinucci. Staff present included City Manager Daniel R. Miera, City Attorney Marcus McCaskin, City Clerk Reba Bechtel, Utilities Director Jack Beard, and Community Development Director Lisa Roemhildt.

The Consent Agenda included Resolution No. 23-11, authorizing the acquisition of new handheld portable radios and related equipment for the Central City Fire Department. The department’s current radios no longer communicate with neighboring fire departments and an upgrade is necessary to ensure communication and safety. All were in favor of approving Resolution No. 23-11.

A second reading and public hearing was held for Ordinance No. 23-03: An ordinance setting new Plant Investment Fees under Section 13-2-310 of the City’s Municipal Codes.

One of the ways that the resolution would calculate fees is by the maximum number of gaming devices in an establishment. The gaming commission explains that the number of gaming devices are consistent with the establishment’s square footage, which the resolution states is related to the establishment’s demand for water.

The public had many issues and questions with this matter. Miera said that he hears the concerns and that the resolution allows for administrative guidance for whenever the situation is unclear in the future. All were in favor of approving the Resolution.

The first action item of new business was Resolution No. 23-10, approving the City’s participation in additional Colorado Opioid Settlements and delegating authority to the City Manager to execute documents related to the Colorado Opioid Settlements.

About $1,200 has been distributed to the City in the past 18 years, which had been transferred to Jefferson County in support of their programs in order to be most effective. The Resolution would allow the State to continue to disperse those funds. All were in favor.

Staff led a discussion of the State’s Senate Bill 23-213, which concerns planning, zoning, and affordable housing. Miera informed the Council that more information will be forthcoming this week in the event that they want to take a position on the legislation.

Aldermen commented that some City staff will be touring the Marshall Fire site this week in order to hopefully understand and prevent wildfires in this region.

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on April 8 at 11 a.m. at Russell Park for children 11 years and younger. There will also be a Bunny Hop dance at 8 p.m. at the Elks Lodge on Thursday, April 6.

At 7:51 p.m., Fey adjourned the meeting.

The next Central City Council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on April 18, 2023, at Central City Hall, 141 Nevada Street, second floor; or online via Zoom. Information can be found on the City website: centralcity.colorado.gov/meetings.