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Nederland Mayor’s Corner

‘Mayor Billy’ Giblin
Posted 7/28/23

Happy Summer! I hope you all enjoyed the 4th of July! We have a lot to be thankful for as residents of the USA, Colorado, Boulder County, Peak to Peak, and Nederland!

Thank you, Town of Nederland

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Nederland Mayor’s Corner


Happy Summer! I hope you all enjoyed the 4th of July! We have a lot to be thankful for as residents of the USA, Colorado, Boulder County, Peak to Peak, and Nederland!

Thank you, Town of Nederland staff, who organized and delivered a fun parade with music by the Barker Dam Brass Band. Thank you to everyone who showed up to be part of the parade; whether you walked, biked, or drove the parade route or lined the roads to cheer it on. Then Chipeta Park for a potluck and games between rainstorms. Thank you, Town staff, for making this a great event!

I want to recognize and thank Chris Bauer and Josh Harrod for organizing and orchestrating many fun 4th of July parades over the last few years. You both worked with many folks to make these parades fun events for all to celebrate our independence.

Thank you, Ned Streets Department for your ongoing hard work to grade our roads. It has been a wet spring and your continued work is yielding good results. We appreciate continued patience from the community. If you have any questions, complaints or suggestions, we ask for respectful communications.

Pump Track! I continue to be struck by how controversial this is…the what and the where. Please let us know what you think!

Thank you, Eldora Mountain Resort for featuring Summer Happenings in Nederland in your June & July Newsletter. We appreciate your support in promoting NedGravel, Ned Jazz & Wine Festival, and Nederland Farmer’s Market. We intend to build our partnership with Eldora to benefit the Peak to Peak region.

I recommend the movie Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire. It played at The Backdoor Theatre on Sunday, July 9. A remarkable movie about how we can live with wildfire. Thank you, Eric Abramson and Rik Henrikson for sharing your expertise with information pertinent to the Peak to Peak region.

Emergency Alerts: sign up for FREE emergency alerts at: www.boulderoem.com

On May 16 we approved by consent BOT Meeting Minutes, Public Works Week Proclamation, Town Administrator Salary Review, and Contract with Boulder County Co-Responders. The Boulder County Transportation Planning Division presented the Nederland EcoPass 2023 Ballot Measure, as well as Hessie Shuttle & Access Management Strategies. We reviewed Staff Reports and BOT Reports.

We approved Extension of the Moratorium on Central Business District (CBD) Off-Street Parking Requirements & Commercial Parking Fund. We discussed the Referendum Petition and Reconsideration of Ordinance 837, and Maintaining Peace in Our Neighborhoods.

On June 6 we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, Town Advisory Board Appointments (to the NDDA, PROSAB, Planning Commission, SAB), Contract with Multimodal Transportation Plan Consultant, Contract with Fischer Construction for Grit Removal System Installation, NCC Lease for I & I Caribbean Café, June Pride Month Proclamation, and Juneteenth Proclamation.

There was a presentation on Reimagine Destinations. We appointed a Referendum Petition Protest Hearing Officer. We discussed a triggered election amendment of the Annexation Ordinance, and the strikingly controversial Pump Track Proposal.

On June 20 we hosted a Public Engagement Town Hall. In our regular BOT Meeting we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, and NDDA Performance Space Resolution. Staff Reports and BOT reports were shared. Lynette Anderson with BCSO presented her new role as Nederland’s primary Co-Responder.

Nederland’s Streets Department Manager Mark Hall presented the Road Improvement Plan for Nederland. We were updated on that day’s Referendum Petition Protest Hearing. We approved a new Address Sign Code Ordinance and the long-awaited Solar Ordinance.

On June 23 BOT Goals Work Session to establish Town of Nederland Strategic Goals for 2023-2024.

On July 11 Executive Session we received legal advice for district court filing Mitchell v. Goldman, and for the process related to a referendum petition. We approved by consent Warrants, Tourism Management Grant Branding and Market Strategy Project Request for Proposal, and a new appointment to the Sustainability Advisory Board.

We discussed the Compensation Study and Staff salary increases and gave direction for Staff to bring us a supplemental budget in August. We discussed the Referendum Petition and Ordinance Reconsideration. The protester has appealed the Protest hearing decision to District Courts. We have decided to stop action for now on reconsideration while we await the District Court’s decision.

We approved the Nederland EcoPass Tax Extension 2023 Ballot Measure, the 974 N Peak to Peak Highway Well & Cistern Variance, as well as the Annexation Ordinance triggered election amendment.

On July 18 we approved by consent Warrants, 974 N Peak to Peak Sewer Variance, and Comprehensive Plan RFP. We shared Staff Reports and BOT Reports. We discussed the Town of Nederland Strategic Plan for 2023-2024, and the Rights of Nature Guardian Subcommittee. We approved Fence Code Amendments. The Election Code Amendment Action Item was removed from this meeting and will be reviewed as a Discussion Item at a future meeting.

August/September Meetings: PROSAB Board Member Transition, NDDA Resolutions, Supplemental Budget Public Hearing, Wingate Subdivision Process Variance, 2023-2024 Strategic Plan, Community Mediation Program, STR Code Amendments, Comprehensive Plan Contract, 24333 Peak to Peak Variances, NMC Election Section Amendments, ARPA, Paid Parking Municipal Code Language and Housing Needs Assessment.

PLEASE LET US KNOW what you think! We encourage all comments, and we need you to let us know if there are problems. We read all the emails, letters and comments that we receive and weigh them all as we make decisions.

Attend BOT Meetings in-person or virtually every 1st and 3rd Tuesday with optional Work Sessions every 2nd Tuesday.

Contact Town of Nederland, please go to: https://townofnederland.colorado.gov/contact

Town Hall phone: 303-258-3266.

Mail letter: Town of Nederland, PO Box 396, Nederland, CO 80466

Drop a note or make a comment directly: Town Hall, Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 5p.m. at 45 W 1st Street, Nederland.

Email the BOT: bot@nederlandco.org