1/31: Town Hall re Nederland Police Department: Was primarily open to lots of public comment which organically evolved into an introduction of the new Boulder County Sheriff Curtis Johnson and BCSO
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1/31: Town Hall re Nederland Police Department: Was primarily open to lots of public comment which organically evolved into an introduction of the new Boulder County Sheriff Curtis Johnson and BCSO Division Chief Jim Chamberlain. Sheriff Johnson and Division Chief Chamberlain answered questions from the public and from the BOT. We learned more of the BCSO Contract dynamic of a Sergeant and Deputies who would be assigned to Nederland and who serve as our “community police.” As a reminder, Boulder County Sheriff’s Office continues to provide services to Nederland by responding to all priority 1 calls and providing nighttime coverage.
2/1: John Mountain was sworn in as Trustee at the Town Hall.
2/7: the BOT started in Executive Session with legal counsel related to development of the Town’s Zoning Code and to applications for developments. We approved on consent 2/7 Warrants, 1/17 BOT Meeting Minutes, John Mountain’s Trustee Appointment, and our new Sustainability Coordinator Leah Haney’s Contract Agreement. There were many public comments on non-agenda items regarding the NPD, Annexation, Big Springs Egress, Decommissioning of the CEMEX Lyons cement plant, and other items.
Bob Widner gave a presentation of Community Planning and Developing Land Use Tools, and then Trustee Corvalan and I led a lively discussion on an Ordinance for Subdivision Applications in the Central Business District (CBD) Zone. We approved a Financial Policy Amendment to allow Town funds to be invested in a broader range of investments other than simply PDPA approved investments, and we approved a STR Ordinance for Class A License Amendment to allow ADUs to be used as STRs.
2/13: meeting with BOT and Ron Mitchell of NCBDR LLC at the Nederland Community Library. Ron Mitchell presented some of his plans for downtown development. Then the BOT pointed out benefits of these plans as well as concerns. The public was invited to witness the conversation. However, no public comment was accepted. The moratorium on CBD subdivision applications was not discussed as planned; it was only mentioned towards the end.
2/21: we approved by consent the 2/21 Warrants, 2/7 BOT Meeting Minutes, Nederland Community Center 2023 Leases, BOT Liaison Appointments, Funding for IMBATrials Lab Conference, Nederland Multimodal Transportation Plan IGA & RFP, and the Tourism Management Grant. There were many public comments on non-agenda items regarding the NCBDR LLC Plans (likely due to the inability for public comment at the 2/13 Meeting), Parking, the BOT, and other items.
We had a VERY lengthy and lively discussion about the Ordinance for Subdivision Applications in the CBD Zone that was moved to an Action Item to vote to extend the moratorium on subdivision applications. On a 4-3 vote in favor of extending, the moratorium did not receive the necessary 6 of 7 votes and was therefore not extended.
We then moved into the quasi-judicial hearing about the 100 First Street Rezone. We got through the presentation and some public comments and at 11 p.m. we timed out and moved to continue this hearing to the April 4 BOT Meeting. We also included Staff Reports and BOT Reports.
2/28 Special Session: we approved the BCSO Contract for law enforcement for one full-time Sergeant, three full-time Deputies and one 50% detective. We then discussed a BOT Retreat which we are planning in order to focus on BOT goals and cohesion. March Meetings: Water Rights Update, Big Springs Egress RFP, NDDA Resolutions, PROSAB Appointments, Nederdays Presentation, Secondary Bridge, CBD Code Development Team, Public Engagement Manager Position, Solar United Neighbors Campaign. 3/21 Annexation Town Hall, NMC Ch. 17 Lot Line Dissolution Amendment, Parking Development Recommendations, Streets Equipment Lease Agreement, and other items TBD.
PLEASE LET US KNOW what you think! We encourage all comments, and we need you to let us know if there are problems. We read all the emails, letters and comments that we receive and weigh them all as we make decisions.
Attend BOT Meetings in-person or virtually every 1st and 3rd Tuesday with optional Work Sessions every 2nd Tuesday.
Contact Town of Nederland, please go to: https://townofnederland.colorado. gov/contact
Town Hall phone: (303) 258-3266.
Mail letter: Town of Nederland, PO Box 396, Nederland, CO 80466
Drop a note or make a comment directly: Town Hall, M-F, 9am-5pm at 45 W 1st St, Nederland.
Email the BOT: bot@nederlandco.org