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Ned Fire Chief resigns

Christopher Kelley
Posted 3/10/23

On March 5, 2023, The Mountain-Ear had received notice from the Nederland Fire Protection District (NFPD) Board of Directors that Nederland Fire Chief Michael Scott had officially resigned.


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Ned Fire Chief resigns


On March 5, 2023, The Mountain-Ear had received notice from the Nederland Fire Protection District (NFPD) Board of Directors that Nederland Fire Chief Michael Scott had officially resigned.

Their statement reads:

“On March 4, 2023, at 5 p.m., The Nederland Fire Protection District Board of Directors accepted Chief Michael Scott’s resignation from the department, effective immediately.”

“We would like to acknowledge his efforts in improving our culture, accountability and training priorities over the last year. With his guidance and our member’s efforts, we are stronger than we have ever been.”

“It is important to note that a Chief is an executive position in the fire service. All operations at Nederland Fire and our ability to respond to an emergency remain unchanged.”

“The board will start the process of hiring a new Chief in the next week and will appoint an interim Chief in the coming days.”

Chief Scott began his career in firefighting at a young age, participating in an Explorer Program at age 14 and working on an ambulance crew at 17. On January 3, 2022, Chief Scott brought his nearly 25 years of experience to Nederland, having worked previously as a Division Chief of EMS, a Division Chief for Colorado River Fire Rescue, and a Professional Qualification and Training Section Chief for the Colorado Department of Fire Prevention and Control.

“I am sad to hear about the resignation of Chief Michael Scott,” Town Administrator Miranda Fisher told The Mountain-Ear. “When Chief Scott started working with the NFPD in January 2022, it was clear from day one that he wanted to bring about necessary changes to improve the culture, develop more training opportunities, and enhance the overall operations and efficiencies within the NFPD.”

“I feel Chief Scott was successful in bringing about the organizational change needed and has left the NFPD in a better place. He is going to be truly missed and we wish him nothing but the absolute best,” Fisher said.

“Hiring a Chief is a complex process as there are state rules and timelines that have to be met. That, and finding the right person always poses challenges,” NFPD Board President Iain Irwin-Powell explained to The Mountain-Ear, stating that ideally a new Fire Chief should be found for the district within six months.

Chief Scott has only served the Town for just over a year, but his dedication and professionalism has made an indelible impression on the community. Though he will be missed, The Mountain-Ear wishes him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

The NFPD will further discuss their process for appointing an interim Chief, as well as their process for hiring a new Chief, in future meetings.

The NFPD Board of Directors meets the third Wednesday of every month and meetings can be attended online on Microsoft Teams. Their next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 7 p.m. For more information go to: https://www.nfpd.org