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More special events for Central City

Mindy Leary
Posted 4/28/23

Mayor Jeremy Fey called the Central City Council regular meeting to order at approximately 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman

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More special events for Central City


Mayor Jeremy Fey called the Central City Council regular meeting to order at approximately 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman Marcia Enloe, Alderman Todd Williams, and Mayor Pro-tem Kara Tinucci. Staff present included City Manager Daniel R. Miera, City Attorney Marcus McCaskin, City Clerk Reba Bechtel, Public Works Director Sam Hoover, and Community Development Director Lisa Roemhildt.

The Consent Agenda included Resolution No. 23-13, recommending the approval of the Special Event Application for the Yellow Rose Ball scheduled for Saturday, June 17, 2023, and authorizing the temporary closure of Eureka Street between Pine Street and Moriarty Lane during the event.

The first action item of new business was Resolution No. 23-12, awarding the work for the 2023 Cape Seal Project to A-1 Chipseal Company and authorizing the City Manager to execute a construction contract with the contractor. The project would cover the area of Virginia Canyon from Hooper to Bridge streets and would require an approximate eight-hour closure.

Hoover spoke to the board about the details. There were two bids from the only two companies in the state; A-1 and Vance, with A-1 being about $23,000 less. All were in favor.

Resolution No. 23-14, recommended the conditional approval of the Special Events Application for Ride the Rockies 2023 scheduled for June 15 and June 16, 2023, and authorizing the temporary closure of Main Street and a lane closure of Spring Street/Virginia Canyon on June 15 and Gregory Street on June 16 during the event.

Fey said that he had a conflict since he has been speaking with them about the event beforehand and excused himself from the discussion.

Roemhildt gave some background on the event, saying that Ride the Rockies began in 1986 but is new to Central City. There will be about 200 cyclists accompanied by thirty to fifty vehicles. American Medical Response will be present, and will be aided by Gilpin Ambulance if any emergencies arise.

The event organizer and director for Ride the Rockies, Sabra Nagel, presented some information on how the event will be applying for permission to allow RV camping in the Greek lots and tent camping in the Levitt area. The event will supply portable restrooms and trash/ recycling receptacles.

Nagel asked if the chip seal project would be happening concurrently. Council responded that they would hope not and that more information would be gained upon the negotiation with the company.

Aiken moved to approve the resolution. All were in favor of recommending the conditional approval and the closure of Main Street for the event.

The council then discussed the last item of new business, Resolution No. 23-15, approving the Letter Agreement with Young Ranch LLC regarding the clarification of Parkway Crossing. This resolution would allow discussion of a potential overpass crossing on Central City Parkway. All were in favor.

During audience participation, Marie A. Mornis introduced herself to the council as the new commissioner for the district, replacing Web Sill, who had recently passed away.

At 8:18 p.m., Fey adjourned the meeting.

The next Central City Council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on April 18, 2023, at Central City Hall, 141 Nevada Street, second floor; or online via Zoom. Information can be found on the City website: centralcity.colorado.gov/ meetings.