Dear Readers,
Interested in participating in local government? We’re looking to fill spots on some of our boards.
Historic Preservation
The City of Central is looking for applicants
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Dear Readers,
Interested in participating in local government? We’re looking to fill spots on some of our boards.
Historic Preservation
The City of Central is looking for applicants interested in serving on the Historic Preservation Commission as a regular member with a 4-year term or as an alternate. These positions will be appointed by the City Council. The Commission meets once per month, with a possible second meeting for pending matters. The applicant would preferably be qualified by training or experience to render decisions as to whether the requirements of the applicable design guidelines are being met, or shall have exhibited a strong interest in historic preservation. At least 40% of commission members shall be professionals in preservation-related disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture, architectural history, archaeology, history, planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography or cultural anthropology. Recognizing that professionals may not be available in some communities, this requirement can be waived if the local government makes a good faith effort to recruit professionals and demonstrates that it is capable of carrying out commission responsibilities.
Additionally, per Sec. 16-8-104. Historic Preservation Commission: (e)(2) In the year 2020 and thereafter, three members of the HPC shall be residents of the historic district unless the Council finds that there are no qualified nominees who are residents of the historic district.
A background as a professional in preservation-related disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture, architectural history, archaeology, history, planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography or cultural anthropology is desired. The HPC Design Guidelines are available at City Hall and on the City website. The compensation for Historic Preservation Commission members is $50.00 per month, if a monthly meeting is attended. All interested candidates are to submit a letter of interest to the City Clerk, City Hall, 141 Nevada Street, P. O. Box 249, Central City, CO 80427 or via email to cityclerk@ by December 27, 2022. For more information, contact Reba Bechtel, City Clerk @ 303-582-5251 x 11.
Planning Commission
The City of Central is looking for applicants interested in serving on the Planning Commission as a regular member with a 4-year term or as an alternate to be appointed by City Council. The Commission may meet twice per month when there are planning issues to be considered. The terms of the members of the Planning Commission shall be for a period of four (4) years or until their successors take office. Planning Commission members shall maintain their primary place of residence within the City and may not hold a gaming license. The compensation for Planning Commission members is $50.00 per month per meetings scheduled and attended. All interested candidates are to submit a letter of interest to the City Clerk, City Hall, 141 Nevada Street, P. O. Box 249, Central City, CO 80427 or via email to by December 27, 2022. For more information, contact Reba Bechtel, City Clerk @ 303-582-5251 x 11.
Reba Bechtel
Central City