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Healing the Blue/Red Divide

Posted 12/22/22

Dear Editor,

It is said that the sun sets on all empires ... and that the end comes when a country is stretched beyond her means militarily and imperialistically ... is heavily in debt ... and

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Healing the Blue/Red Divide


Dear Editor,

It is said that the sun sets on all empires ... and that the end comes when a country is stretched beyond her means militarily and imperialistically ... is heavily in debt ... and resorts to reckless printing of money for the sake of staying afloat. However the last straw is almost always the nation’s own infighting. This is where we find ourselves today. The infighting pollutes our souls. As we fight so we hasten our decline.

Yes, our opinions vary. Yes, these discussions may be difficult. Yet wars of words, name calling, and statements that “they hate America” will be our demise.

We can debate issues such as abortion, welfare, gun control, Covid injections, immigration or simply whether it is appropriate to say Happy Holidays. Be mindful that these are Blue/Red distractions ... and far too many of us have bought into these concepts. The crux of all things and the most important matter of the day is who our government represents – the People or the corporations?

To transform American society will be a mighty and formidable task. How do we get there?

Charting a course for a large nation with a population of hundreds of millions is fraught with difficulty. There will be no easy solutions. There will be divergent views, antagonistic ones even. How to communicate as a majority will be paramount. This process may be the most difficult work we must do. Tolerance of other’s views is the one essential we need to bring to the discussion. Can we learn to accept that we will disagree with one another and keep a respectful dialogue going? Can we as a people become more value-oriented and more focused on the greater good of our society?

It will require action. Standing up. Speaking out. Civil disobedience. It may be necessary to “take it to the streets.” We the People must be ready to do our part to insure that our politicians hear us and become one of us again.

Never has there been a march on Washington, D.C. to demand higher wages for CEOs, bailout banks, larger tax deductions for corporations and the rich, more foreign weapons sales or build mass surveillance. None of these are directly beneficial to the larger population of the United States.

Government will be the last place where change will show up. Democrats and Republicans are not and will not be leading the way. They will only respond to overwhelming pressure. The first and only place that meaningful change will show up is within our own hearts – then in our immediate circles – and then our communities. Only then might our politicians reflect who we are.

We need positive, solution-based discussions. We need to listen more than talk.

The catalyst for such changes can only be supplied by the will of an informed and activist collectivism. It will require unity. Solidarity. With the awareness of the oneness of all people ... and kindness as a common denominator.

Are these ideas Pollyanna-ish?

Yes, absolutely.

And this is the dialogue we need to have.

Are we capable?

Robert M. Hamburger
