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Golden Gate Fire Protection District approves budget, fees

Posted 1/16/24

The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board approved the 2024 budget and fees during a special meeting on Friday, January 5, at 7 p.m. at the Grange, 25231 Golden Gate Canyon Road, Golden.


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Golden Gate Fire Protection District approves budget, fees


The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board approved the 2024 budget and fees during a special meeting on Friday, January 5, at 7 p.m. at the Grange, 25231 Golden Gate Canyon Road, Golden.

The Board approved a resolution to adopt the 2024 budget, to set mill levies, and to appropriate funds. According to the resolution, the proposed budget was open for inspection by the public at a designated place. A public hearing was held on October 19, 2023, and interested electors were given the opportunity to file or register any objections to the proposed budget.

Estimated expenditures for each fund are as follows: Operating Expenditures $271,316, Capital Expenditures $170,000. Estimated revenues are as follows: from transfer from reserves $170,000, from sources other than general property tax $ 32,048, from general property tax $259,174 3.

To set mill levies, the amount of money from property taxes necessary to balance the budget for general operating expenses is $259,174 and the 2023 net valuation for assessment of the District as certified by the County Assessor is $28,745,829. A property tax is levied of 9.016 mills per each dollar of the total valuation for assessment of all taxable property within the District raises $259,174.

The following sums are hereby appropriated from the revenues of each fund, for the purposes stated in the budget: General Fund $441,316.

According to the treasurer, the total operating budget went down $1,000. The mill levy stays the same.

There is a reduction in fees this year. The District has the fee schedule on site.

• Comprehensive Planning Review Partnership: $300 per year.

• Residential Rezone and subdivision Review: $100 per lot

• Secondary Driveway Permit Inspection: $150 per review

• Burn Permit, suggested donation of $50

• Insurance will serve letter: donation $50

• Cistern re-inspection: donation $100

• Defensible Space Inspection: donation $75.

The next regular Board meeting will be on January 25 at 7 p.m., at the Grange, 25231 Golden Gate Canyon Road, Golden, Colorado, 80403.