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Golden Gate Fire Protection Board hires engineer for Station 83

Posted 6/2/24

The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board met on May 23, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Grange. All Board members were present: Deb Curlee, President; Niffy Ovuworie, Vice- President and Treasurer;

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Golden Gate Fire Protection Board hires engineer for Station 83


The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board met on May 23, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Grange. All Board members were present: Deb Curlee, President; Niffy Ovuworie, Vice- President and Treasurer; Marith Reheis, Secretary; Dave Primmer; and Steve Green.

Steve Green asked that Board transparency and legal transactions be added to the agenda. Ovuworie responded that the dollar amounts for transactions are published on the internet.

Green said he also had a personal matter to discuss, and the Board said he can do that during public comment.

The Auxiliary will meet on June 6 and is planning the annual pig roast for September. They did canyon cleanup last week.

Regarding Station 83 drainage repair authorization, Chief Kyle Benson asked what is required to fix the drainage problem. One possibility is constructing a concrete wall, but he doesn’t have a cost yet.

Primmer suggested that they should cut the entire hill way back behind the station. Green said that several years ago he offered a solution which would benefit both the station and his property. By placing two culverts, at $200, between the gate and the back of the building, water would drain into the ditch. They would need a four-foot culvert. He said he didn’t ever see a drawing. Ovuworie moved to hire an engineer for the station and the Board approved the motion.

The Board discussed slash collection. Chief Benson said they need to move ahead getting slash collection done. This could be done later, in the fall. The other option would be to do the collection themselves.

Coal Creek Canyon at Blue Hill is the closest slash yard, which would be a long drive. The County won’t do it. Curlee suggested they wait a year. Benson said they can start now by getting donations. However, the Board agreed to put off slash collection until next year.

Primmer brought up expenses for the radios the District just received. He said the price for the radios quoted in the meeting and in the minutes was way out of line. Green said it is stated that the radios are worth $200,000. Radios are available on a regular basis for $800 and come with batteries and chargers.

Benson said the radios were donated to the district. Reheis suggested a wording change in the minutes, to add that the value shown is compared to new radios.

Primmer asked what the bookkeeper does, while avoiding a conflict of interest.

Green said that the bookkeeper, Mr. Creech, has additional responsibilities including preparing the budget. Curlee said that he is a volunteer.

Primmer said at the last meeting the Board formed an Executive Committee of five persons. Reheis said the Executive Committee can’t communicate to the fire chief except as authorized by the Board. The Executive Committee shall cease to exist every year. It can’t spend money.

Reheis said financial matters must be presented at one Board meeting and voted on at the next meeting. Ovuworie said he wants to pursue grants, and the chief applied for one.

Regarding digital communication and TAK integration, Assistant Chief Chris Enright reported that the District can join the Wildland fire server system with the state of Colorado at no cost. They have been able to collect and bring those messages to their regular phone system.

The District can get tablets that are agency-specific. Firefighters can communicate via the tablet and get real-time communication. It is a federally mandated program for first responders nationwide.

Theoretically, FirstNet can order a cell tower on wheels at no cost. Not every firefighter would have a tablet, but the tablets would have mobile hotspots, and everyone in the area can hear the information.

Benson said the system was built by the military, and they can obtain data, like feeds from air traffic control. In the next 12 months this will be the main communication device. Jefferson County Communications is supportive of implementing this system. The District can start communication immediately, which will also involve the ambulance authority.

The District will need nine tablets. At this point, FirstNet is offering to comp the tablets. Green said there is a cost buried in there somewhere. Enright said $36 per month. They get the tablet for free and pay to maintain it.

According to their website, “FirstNet, built with AT&T, is the only network built with and for first responders and those who support them, according to the website. That’s why the First Responder Network Authority … will keep first responder communications at the forefront of innovation.…

“The FirstNet Authority plans to invest $6.3 billion through its network contract with AT&T …. These strategic investments will expand and evolve FirstNet so public safety stays at the forefront of innovative, lifesaving technologies.”

Green said it may be the latest and greatest, but he would like to see it first. The Board agreed that they would like to look at it, and they put it on the agenda for next month. Ovuworie said the District has discretionary funds and could add it to the communications budget.

Ovuworie gave the treasurer’s report. For the period covering April 2024, the District’s total expenditures were $32,672.70. For the same period, the District collected revenue of $29,003.

Chief Benson reported that the regional All Hazards and Wildland agreement he was hoping to have for board review this month is still in final legal review at Jefferson County. As soon as it is available for board review, it will be submitted.

On the state level, the District continues to monitor several bills that may have an impact.

ESO implementation is nearing completion. The District is scheduled on June 28 for a full system change over from Emergency Reporting to ESO.

The gym construction at station 82 is almost complete. Again, Benson stated, “great job to FF McDaniel and all of the FFs that have donated time to complete this important project to integrate fitness into GGFPD culture.

“Our seasonal uptick in calls is as expected, with 32 calls to date. We have had several significant motor vehicle accidents occur in the last several weeks that have coincided with the increase of traffic in the canyon.” Benson added, “Thank you for everyone who has been patient waiting in traffic and cognizant of our firefighter’s safety when traveling past these accident scenes.”

He continued, “We currently have 23 operational members and four support services members on the roster. We continue to have one firefighter on leave of absence. The GGFPD FFI academy continues to progress smoothly! The recruits have completed all of the didactic and practical portions of the hazmat academy with Pleasant View FD. The recruits will be testing for their state hazmat operations and awareness certifications this week.

“After the completion of hazmat academy, we will be re-engaging with the final hands-on portions of Fire Academy. We are anticipating graduating the academy class in September.”

Benson went on, “All active GGFPD firefighters passed their physical testing and have had their red cards renewed. Station 81 continues to progress quickly. The flooring is now installed and electrical and lighting updates have been finished.

“We are moving into the final stages of this project with the final finishes, kitchen installation, installation of AV components, and placement of furniture. Another thank you to all of our incredible skilled volunteers who have donated countless hours to make this station remodel a success, and on budget.”

The District is planning an open house BBQ celebration to “re-open” station 81’s living quarters the last week in June.

The next regular board meeting will be on June 27 at 7 p.m. at the Grange, 25231 Golden Gate Canyon Rd. Golden and online. For more information, go to https://MAIN - Golden Gate Fire Protection District.