The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board held a regular meeting on April 20, 2023, at 7 p.m. at Station #1, 32360 Robinson Hill Road. The Board discussed a salary increase for Fire Chief
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The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board held a regular meeting on April 20, 2023, at 7 p.m. at Station #1, 32360 Robinson Hill Road. The Board discussed a salary increase for Fire Chief Benson, censured a Board member for inappropriate conduct and approved requests from the Chief.
Attending the meeting were President Deb Curlee, Vice President Niffy Ovuworie, Treasurer Chris Creech, and members Dave Primmer and Steve Green. Steve Green was the Secretary until the last meeting. He was not removed or dismissed as a Board Member but he was relieved of the Secretary position for dereliction of duty.
The Board did not hold an election on May 2. At the next board meeting, the two Board members will be sworn in, and it has to be filed with the City Clerk. According to the Notice of Cancellation, notice is hereby given by the Golden Gate Fire Protection District, Jefferson County, Colorado, that on March 24, 2023, before the May 2, 2023, regular election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 2, 2023, is hereby canceled.
The following candidates are hereby declared elected: David F. Primmer, four-year term, and Marith Cady Reheis, four-year term.
The Board discussed spending guidelines and an increase in responsibility for the Fire Chief. The District has determined that the threat to community assets, personal property and life warrants a change to the Golden Gate Fire Protection District Chief’s hours and pay. The following Budgeted Line items have been or will be allocated to increase Chief Benson’s compensation package to $78,000 per year with an increase to 24 hours per week.
Board members reiterated this in a discussion. It is not a raise but an increase in responsibilities. This is full compensation not salary plus. It includes health insurance costs.
Training requirements have changed and they are lucky to get by with a part-time chief. There is more traffic now on Highway 46, and people are going up and down Golden Gate Canyon.
According to public comments, “We have a rising star, and the Nederland Fire Chief position is open so he could leave our district. I believe we have found a diamond in the rough.”
Board members said they are certain he is now doing the job and there is no doubt that we want him around for a long time.
The Board approved a resolution to censure a board member. The Board of Directors of the District has determined that Board Member Steve Green has violated the By-Laws of the District. Steve Green, while using a District provided email address, placed a bet and offered to gamble with a community member on matters related to the District.
Count number two, Steve Green, while using a District provided email address, placed a bet and offered to gamble with a community member on matters related to the District. The Board made a motion to approve and seconded it. The motion was approved with Steven Green voting against it.
Chief Benson reported that he has 20 members on the roster and one just resigned, but they will always welcome him back with open arms. Two community members expressed interest in joining the district. He is planning a combined fire academy for Golden and Timberline Fire District.
They have an intergovernmental agreement with Timberline Fire District. He requested a motion to approve a countersign document. It requires two signatures and the board moved to adopt the IGA. The Board approved.
They have established a great relationship with Colorado State Patrol, and they can get radios for the truck. They will get 15 radios earlier this week worth $90.000 in value. It will improve safety of firefighters and will replace every radio in the district.
Plumbing projects and drywall have been completed, thanks to the community.
Regarding the website, a state entity hosts websites and had a representative on the meeting. They will host a website for free and a web developer who will donate her time moving forward to the website. If they use a consultant and volunteer, they will do the work. They can apply for a micro grant for $6,500 grant, which will be open on June 1 to July 4. It should not cost the district. It is more secure than any other, and is the government and has a help desk during working hours. It will be a great thing for the district. The current website is located at
The next meeting of the Golden Gate Fire Protection Board of Directors will be on May 18, 2023, at 7 p.m. at Station 82, 7181 Crawford Gulch Rd Golden.