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Golden Gate Fire Board removes secretary

John Scarffe
Posted 4/6/23

The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board accepted the resignation of the Board secretary during a regular meeting at the Grange in Golden Gate Canyon on March 16, 2023, at 7 p.m. Board Members

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Golden Gate Fire Board removes secretary


The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Board accepted the resignation of the Board secretary during a regular meeting at the Grange in Golden Gate Canyon on March 16, 2023, at 7 p.m. Board Members present were President Deb Curlee, Vice President Niffy Ovuworie, Secretary Steve Green, Treasurer Chris Creech, and member Dave Primmer.

A motion to approve the January 19, 2023, meeting minutes by Steve Green and Dave Primmer failed. The Board had no discussion regarding the February 16, and February 27, 2023, meeting minutes.

The Board agreed to carry minutes over, and they need a plan to produce the minutes. If Green were to resign the post of secretary, he would be in dereliction of duty. The minutes are too unclear, it was reported.

Niffy Ovuworie, with a second by Chris Creech, moved to remove Steve Green as secretary, and it passed by a 3-2 vote. The Board approved a motion to have Chris Creech produce meeting minutes for January, February, and moving forward.

The Board approved an increase for new Chief Benson’s hours to 50 hours per month at $75 per hour. Chief Benson’s report included the fact that he said fewer people are on the road. There were 10 calls for 2023. They have four employees on leave of absence, and 23 employees. He has created a training calendar and will publicize it for the year. Several firefighters will be promoted.

Golden Fire has three members in the academy and now four spots at no cost to the district in the first week of April. Over the last several weeks, discussions have taken place with Timberline Fire Protection District, and a mutual decision was reached to suspend an Administrative, Training, and Recruitment IGA. Their Auto-Aid and Mutual Aid IGAs are still active and departmental relationships have not been affected. Chief Ondr of TFPD was present via Zoom and confirmed the information that Chief Benson reported.

“We are working with our neighbors and they can help us and we can help them. The grant is for recruitment and funds a position. Moving forward the IGA still has to be signed,” Benson said.

The Board approved a motion to purchase vehicles from CHP. The Board adopted an email communication policy presented by Chris Creech with a second by Deb Curlee.

The next meeting of the Board will be on April 20 at Robinson Hill Road, Golden Gate Canyon.