The Gilpin County Board of County Commissioners approved two variances for setbacks during a regular meeting on February 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. at the courthouse in Central City. The Board also
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The Gilpin County Board of County Commissioners approved two variances for setbacks during a regular meeting on February 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. at the courthouse in Central City. The Board also discussed the Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) Grant.
Gilpin County Sheriff Kevin Armstrong updated the Commissioners on the Gilpin County Schools lockdown on February 22, and commissioners gave Sheriff Armstrong a round of applause for their work on that day.
James Shrout, Planner I, introduced a Setback Variance for Paul Merritt at 70 Collins Way. The applicant is seeking to vary from zoning district specifications to allow for the continued use of an unpermitted deck with a setback of 18 feet from the required setback of 30 feet from the property line.
Gilpin County zoning regulations require a minimum thirty-foot setback from all property lines in a subdivision. The size of the subject parcel is about 1.14 acres, and the footprint of the deck is 388 square feet.
The deck currently sits 18 feet from the north property line at its nearest point. The applicant applied for a building permit for a new single-family home in 2007. The original plans, as approved by staff, included a deck without access stairs, and the northwest corner was dog-eared to meet the thirty-foot setback requirement.
The original building permit for the residence was completed and a certificate of occupancy was issued for the primary dwelling in 2018 without the completion of the deck as shown in the original plans. Work on the deck commenced after 2018 but the original design was modified to include access stairs and the dog-ear on the northwest corner was removed.
The stairs were added to the deck for ease of access and safety reasons. Staff conducted a site visit on November 1, 2022, to observe the structure and review the documents that the applicant had regarding the deck.
County Planner James Shrout observed the fully built deck and access stairs in comparison to the survey provided which showed the deck to be in the setback. If the petition is approved by the Board.
The applicant is aware that he will be required to obtain a building permit and pay for the penalties associated with conducting work without a building permit. Applicant is aware that a letter signed by a structural engineer is pertinent for continued use if this variance is approved.
Merritt said that in 2019 the deck went up, primarily for safety reasons. They have no other access from the second story. He said he lost 90 percent of his vision and fell into a hole because he didn’t see it was there, so he can no longer do construction.
He decided to build the deck, and it was wintertime. He thought he would catch up with the paperwork later. He did the work himself. He did contact his neighbors, and they have no problem with the deck.
Staff recommended denial of the application because it doesn’t meet the requirements. Shrout said it came to the County’s attention because he reached out to staff and realized he needed a permit.
The Board agreed he needed to have an engineer look at the deck but approved the variance with fees because it’s important to have egress.
Shrout introduced a setback variance at 443 Karlann Drive. The applicant is seeking to vary from zoning specifications to allow for the construction of a carport with a setback of zero feet from the required setback of 30 feet from the property line.
It would be a Carport on the north side of the property. It is a unique property with limited topography.
Applicant Robin Gayle said she moved in July 2021. It would be a single car carport, not a garage. Chair Marie Mornis said that sometimes carports are not practical. Snow under the carport could be a problem.
Gayle said neighbors are in favor of it, and she parks there anyway. It will also protect a gas meter nearby.
The Board approved the variance.
Victims Services Coordinator Shannon Arrington presented the Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) Grant. She said the grant was submitted on February 14.
The Gilpin Victim Services division applies for and annually receives grant funds from the 1st Judicial District Victim Assistance and VALE grant. For the July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, grant period, $42,300 was requested to provide a percentage of personnel and salary costs for the division.
Grants submitted to the VALE Board must serve persons residing or victimized in the 1st Judicial District, which is Jefferson and Gilpin Counties. Recipients of the GALE grant funds are selected based on the agency’s ability to provide victim services for the implementation of the rights afforded to crime victims, provide direct services to victims of crime, have demonstrated an effective response to victim needs or will provide new, innovative, or unmet victim services, and do not duplicate other victim services in the 1st Judicial District.
Gilpin Victim Services has successfully met those requirements in order to receive grant funding from VALE.
The Board will have a work session on March 7. The next regular meeting of the Gilpin County Commission will be on March 14, 2023, at the courthouse and virtually. For more information, go to Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) Meetings | Gilpin County (