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Gilpin Seniors also celebrate Halloween

John Scarffe
Posted 11/6/24

Seniors award Halloween costumes

John Scarffe

Gilpin County

The Gilpin County Seniors celebrated Halloween during the senior’s lunch on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, starting at noon at the Gilpin County Community Center. About 25 seniors...

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Gilpin Seniors also celebrate Halloween


GILPIN COUNTY - The Gilpin County Seniors celebrated Halloween during the seniors’ lunch on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, starting at noon at the Gilpin County Community Center.

About 25 seniors attended. The menu included salad, Sloppy Joes, and fruit.

After dinner, residents wearing costumes lined up for a costume contest. Winners were: 1st prize, the nun, Norma Oatman; 2nd prize, basketball player Carol Robertson; and 3rd prize, the hippy, Terri Detrano.

Oatman said she comes to the senior lunches every Wednesday. When asked if she was really a nun, she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

Dressed as a basketball player, Robertson said she has lived in Rollinsville for two years. Previously, she was in Missouri with her parents. Before that she had lived in Virginia and had not looked forward to a move to Missouri.

Other seniors also wore costumes, hats, or matching shirts. Howard Roche, a Gilpin County resident for 18 years, dressed as a pickle ball player. He plays pickle ball at the Community Center on Wednesdays and Fridays, the same day as the senior lunches.

Twin sisters Lori Brooks from Gilpin County, and Jacqui Jelinek from Wisconsin, wore matching orange shirts that said, “Grandma Costume.” Sharon and Jim Peyrouse wore witches’ hats.

Gail Keeler, a 20-year resident of Gilpin County, was organizing the kitchen with volunteers Marti Johnson and Richard Gravina. She said the event was sponsored by Volunteers of America, and the food comes from the Gilpin County Jail kitchen, which does a wonderful job of cooking for the seniors.

Mary Ellen Makosky, Gilpin County Senior Services/Transportation Supervisor, said the senior lunches are on Wednesday and Friday every week for $2.50 a meal for those older than 60, and $11 for under 60.

Makosky said Gilpin County took over the senior lunches 27 years ago. At first they were at the Justice Center, but now take place at the Community Center. In addition to Volunteers of America, the seniors receive support from the Denver Regional Council of Governments. But most of the support comes from Gilpin County.

Candy Johnson  of Gilpin County Human Resources said the seniors also provide transport to medical appointments, to the senior lunches, and for grocery shopping to Bergen Park, where they alternately visit Walmart and King Soopers. The seniors also have a toenail clinic on Wednesdays.

Johnson added that they are trying to have field trips, but don’t have enough staff right now.

Makosky asked that people call to make reservations for the lunches. She can be reached at 303-582-9200 and at gilpinseniors@gilpincounty.org.