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Gilpin County CC Mill Levy: Renewal or end?

Omayra Acevedo
Posted 4/11/23

[caption id="attachment_99108" align="alignleft" width="300"] An awaited future: Director Gabrielle Chisholm, right, poses at the front desk with two of the Gilpin County Community Center’s

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Gilpin County CC Mill Levy: Renewal or end?


An awaited future Above, left; Director Gabrielle Chisholm, right, poses at the front desk with two of the Gilpin County Community Center’s employees, Gwen Schmalz and Aspen Cowles, left. Above, right; Seniors fill the dance studio of the Gilpin County Community Center as instructor Linza Douglas leads one of several senior fit classes. Bottom, left; The pool, core conditioning area, and cardio hall display some of the many amenities the Gilpin County Community Center offers. PHOTOS BY OMAYRA ACEVEDO An awaited future: Director Gabrielle Chisholm, right, poses at the front desk with two of the Gilpin County Community Center’s employees, Gwen Schmalz and Aspen Cowles, left. PHOTO BY OMAYRA ACEVEDO[/caption]

The Gilpin County Community Center (GCCC) is a staple in the community. Families gather there for special events, R&R by the pool, and to play games in the gym. Adults enjoy strength training, cardio, fitness classes, and social time.

Gilpin County Seniors meet there for lunches, pickleball, and exercise classes. Children benefit from the many youth programs and activities, and businesses have a location for meetings.

In 2020, the GCCC closed its doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A year later, the center reopened under the direction of Gabrielle Chisholm. Through the Gilpin County Parks & Recreation Mill Levy and with the help of Friends of the Gilpin County Community Center (FGCCC), the center has remained open for now.

A mill levy is a tax rate generally applied to the value of a property. One mill is one dollar per $1,000 dollars of assessed value. It consists of a local and statewide portion that funds organizations that benefit communities.

Gilpin County Property Tax Parks & Recreation mill levy does not include School Districts, Timberline, etc. Mill levies help raise revenue to cover budgets and to pay for public services such as schools, fire districts, and parks & recreation.

Unlike most parks & recreation departments funded by a dedicated tax in a municipality, such as 1% of sales tax in the city, the GCCC is not. Hence, the mill levy. The Parks & Recreation 2022 expenditures budget of $1,670,942 for limited operations does not fit into the County’s General Fund.

In Gilpin County, one mill generates approximately $440,000 of revenue. Contrary to popular belief, “Gilpin County Parks & Recreation does NOT receive any gaming tax revenue for 2021-2023 operations.”

Having a dedicated community center mill levy ensures the success and sustainability of the Gilpin County Parks & Recreation department. It will aid in necessary repairs, maintenance, and capital projects.

The current mill levy for GCCC will reach its maturity date at the end of this year. On Tuesday, March 7, the GCCC hosted a work session with the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The current mill levy and possible options for a continued mill levy were among the discussions.

The BOCC has yet to decide if the mill levy will be on the ballot for November. Currently, the county is focusing on capital repair and maintenance projects for all county facilities. The community center alone has over $4 million in immediate needs.

Benefits of the GCCC and services offered by the GCCC include aquatics, childcare, classes, workshops, and space for community meetings. It’s also home to the Gilpin County Fair, an emergency shelter, and much more.

Community centers are essential to personal health and wellness, reducing the stress experienced every day. Twenty years ago, the Gilpin County Community Center came to fruition to meet the needs of its community and beyond. It’s also been many of our youth’s first professional experiences.

The GCCC is not just a building. It provides numerous benefits for residents across the Peak to Peak. If the GCCC closes, where will residents find a safe, inclusive environment that meets their social, community, recreational, and educational needs?

The Gilpin County Community Center is located at 250 Norton Drive. You can find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/gilpincounty.org or you can give them a call at 303-582-1453.