The Black Hawk City Council approved waiving water fees for the Rick Thomas Distillery for one year during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black
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The Black Hawk City Council approved waiving water fees for the Rick Thomas Distillery for one year during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council also approved a new subdivision and setback variance for Chase Street and the purchase of new vehicles.
Finance Director Lance Hillis presented a resolution approving the waiver of water fees for one year for the Rick Thomas Distillery on Lot 7 of the Black Hawk Park Subdivision. The Council approved the waiver.
Distillery Owners Bryan and Decklin Watts said construction is about to begin. One problem has been that the electricity and the boiler have been delayed. The Wattses plan to invite the City Council to the site in late February before the opening.
Bryan Watts said he would like to thank the City, and he is looking forward to being partners for decades to come.
Vince Harris with Baseline Corporation introduced two resolutions regarding 311 Chase Street. The first was the conditional approval of the minor subdivision titled “City of Black Hawk, Block 16, Amendment No. 1.” The second was the approval of a variance to the Front Yard Setback.
The applicant requests approval of the Minor Subdivision Plat creating one lot within Block 16 of the City of Black Hawk. This minor subdivision adjusts the lot lines of lots 3, 4, 5, and a portion of lot 6, along with a part of Government Lot 1 to create one lot.
On November 15, 2022, the City of Black Hawk received an application request for this minor subdivision from Larry and Cynthia Linker. The request involves creating one lot at 311 Chase Street. The applicants have purchased the neighboring lots to the west of 311 Chase Street to construct a new garage for the benefit of 311 Chase Street.
Staff from Baseline Corporation have evaluated the proposed minor subdivision plat. No more than four lots are created, and the lot will be accessed from the existing public right-of-way at Chase Street.
Regarding the proposed setback variance for a garage, staff recommended a resolution conditionally approving a variance to the front yard setback for property located at 311 Chase Street from 18 feet to two feet.
If granted, the variance would allow the owner to construct a garage no closer than two feet from the front property line. The intent of the applicant is to construct the garage in line with the existing house, which is about nine feet, eight inches from the front property line.
Staff from Baseline Corporation has reviewed the Request for Variance to a front yard setback at 311 Chase Street. The Council approved both resolutions.
The Council approved the purchase of three pickup trucks and two Dodge Durango police vehicles. Maintenance Services Manager Steve Jackson presented the purchases.
During the 2023 budget approval process, equipment purchases and replacements were included in the Capital Fund. These trucks will replace some older trucks in the fleet. The new vehicles include two Ford Reg Cabs for $45,000 each and a Ranger Super Cab for $37,000. For the police department, two Dodge Durango police vehicles were purchased for $84,890. Delivery is anticipated in mid to late summer.
The Council approved an Ordinance Amending Article IV of Chapter 4 and Article I of Chapter 6 of the Black Hawk Municipal Code Regarding Business Licensing. The proposed amendments are in response to SB 22-032, wherein the Colorado General Assembly purported to streamline the business license application process and the imposition, collection, and administration of sales and use taxes by eliminating the City’s authority to impose business license fees on retailers that either do not have physical presence within the local taxing jurisdiction or have only incidental physical presence within the local taxing jurisdiction.
The Council approved a temporary waiver of certain occupational taxes. The City desires to temporarily suspend the collection of occupational taxes on certain limited and enumerated businesses as set forth in Resolution 8 that may also be impacted by Senate Bill 22-032.
The next meeting of the City of Black Hawk Council will be on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. For more information, go to