The Black Hawk City Council approved a site development plan for the Copper Kitchen Pizzeria during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The
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The Black Hawk City Council approved a site development plan for the Copper Kitchen Pizzeria during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council approved a Site Development Plan for the City-owned properties at 200-496 Gregory Street.
On April 7, 2023, the City of Black Hawk received an application for a Site Development Plan (SDP) from Black Hawk for the City-owned properties at 200-496 Gregory Street. The request is for an SDP for the development or existing improvements on Gregory Plaza, Bobtail Mine, Gregory Point at Mountain City, St. Charles Carriage House, Crooks Palace, and the Oyler/Rudolph/Rodgers Building.
The request is meant to establish an SDP for the existing buildings and improvements that were not included in a formal SDP during their original development. The request is associated with existing Certificates of Architectural Compatibility (COAC) for improvements along Gregory Street over the last few years.
Consistent with the Gregory Street Sub-Area Plan, adopted by the City Council on October 23, 2013, the vision of the Gregory Street Sub- Area Plan is to renovate the existing buildings and establish new buildings, all located in close proximity to each other to establish a walkable, personal commercial experience. The Plan’s intention is “to preserve some of the original architecture and historic character of the City, while transforming and adding buildings to the Gregory Street corridor into a destination district for both visitors and local residents.”
The request also concerns a new proposed building at 307 Gregory Street, that will be called the Copper Kitchen Pizzeria. Because an SDP was not approved in conjunction with existing COAC’s for improvements on Gregory Street, the City is requesting approval of an all-inclusive SDP for the HARD District corridor buildings owned by the City along Gregory Street.
This application is also requesting approval of the SDP with inclusion of the new Copper Kitchen Pizzeria, prior to the commencement of the building construction planned for Summer 2023. Retail associated with a public pedestrian mall is an approved use in this zone district.
This property is included in the Gregory Plaza corridor, which is a public pedestrian mall. Aside from the Oyler building at 221 Gregory that is under construction at this time, and the proposed Copper Kitchen Pizzeria at 307 Gregory Street, all buildings and improvements along Gregory Street have been completed.
Staff from Baseline Corporation has evaluated the information provided by the City of Black Hawk for this project. The City of Black Hawk Municipal Code allows for land development. Staff from Baseline Corporation suggested that the SDP is in substantial compliance with the Zoning and Subdivision chapters of the Black Hawk Municipal Code.
In summary, Staff recommended that the Gregory Street Site Development Plan be approved.
Cindy Linker introduced a resolution approving the Gregory Hill subdivision for property located at 987 Miners road to reconfigure the lot.
On April 25, 2023, Black Hawk submitted an application request for a Minor Subdivision for property located at 987 Miners Road. The purpose of the Minor Subdivision application is for a Final Plat to reconfigure lot, tract, parcel, and right of way lines on Gregory Hill on the 5134-acre property.
The Final Plat submitted with this application dedicates and sets apart all streets and other public ways for the use of the public. Additionally, the plat grants use of the public easements to the City.
Staff from Baseline Corporation has evaluated the proposed minor subdivision plan. The City of Black Hawk Municipal Code specifies that minor subdivision plats will be processed similarly to final plats, but with no need for a sketch plan and preliminary plat.
The proposed subdivision was processed in the same manner as a final plat and meets the intent of the minor subdivision definitions and process. No more than four lots are created, and the lots are accessed from existing public rights-of-way.
Staff recommended that the Minor Subdivision titled Gregory Hill Subdivision be approved as submitted. The Council approved the resolution.
Linker also introduced a resolution conditionally approving a certificate of appropriateness for the interior renovations to the City of Black Hawk Police Station at 221 Church Street
The City is requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness for interior renovations to the property at 221 Church Street, known as the Black Hawk School and utilized as the City’s police station. This property is zoned Historic Appreciation Preservation (HAP).
The Black Hawk School was listed as a Black Hawk Local Landmark in 2013, according to background. “The specific date of construction for the resource is not clear based on the archival record.
“The property is recorded as a contributing resource in the Central City-Black Hawk National Historic Landmark as Black Hawk School. The 2010 site survey indicates the building was constructed in 1870 by Mullen & Joblin of Central City, who were awarded the contract for constructing the schoolhouse containing four school rooms and a recitation room.
“The survey further notes that the building could accommodate 200 to 250 students. The building includes a non-historic addition, constructed in 1994, to the northwest of the historic portion of the building. The Local Landmark nomination describes the building:
“This two-story, wood frame, rectangular plan building is a vernacular example of the Greek Revival Style. It has a side gable roof with a central projecting cross gable bay. The symmetrical façade features a recessed centered door with a rectangular transom and sidelights, pedimented architrave trim, and pilaster corner boards.
“Windows are double-hung, and the centered second-story windows are paired with a low-pitched triangular pediment. The building sits on a high stone foundation and is clad in horizontal lap siding.
“There is a bell tower and three brick chimneys. The site has a massive stone retaining wall. On the southwest is an arched opening, formerly the coal house for the school.
“While the exterior of the Black Hawk School exhibits elements of the Greek Revival Style, its interior reflects the programmatic needs and conventions of school design in the mid-nineteenth century.”
All proposed work is on the interior of the building and will not affect the historic exterior of the building. Linker said the Historic Preservation Committee approved the request as did the City Council.
City Clerk Michele Martin introduced an ordinance of the City of Black Hawk amending the Black Hawk Municipal Code regarding smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers in Short-Term Rental Properties. Under Short-term Rental Health and Safety Standards in the Municipal Code, current compliance calls for a smoke and carbon monoxide detector to be in working order, and that fire extinguishers are present and maintained as required by the International Fire Code (IFC).
Staff and SAFEbuilt drafted the amendment proposed in Ordinance 2023-12.
Fire Marshal Jason Ward said this will require one fire extinguisher for each unit, usually located near the kitchen area.
The Council approved the ordinance.
Vince Harris and Will Charles introduced a resolution for the Site Development Plan and Certificate of Architectural Compatibility for the Garage at 311 Chase Street. Charles said it is a variance for a pump setback. It will be a 3-car garage with a railing on top and a green roof.
On April 17, the City of Black Hawk received an application for a Certificate of Architectural Compatibility (COAC) and Site Development Plan (SDP) from Larry and Cynthia Linker. The request involves the construction of a 3-car garage at 311 Chase Street.
The applicant has requested to construct a detached 3-car garage with a ‘green roof.’ The green roof provides the top of the garage to be designed with a relatively flat roof that can be used as space to walk and recreate on, for the residents and their pet.
To construct the garage, the applicant first needs an approved Certificate of Architectural Compatibility and Site Development Plan. Staff from Baseline Corporation has evaluated the information provided by Larry and Cynthia Linker for this project.
The City of Black Hawk Municipal Code allows for construction of a new building with the approval of a Certificate of Architectural Compatibility and Site Development Plan. Staff from Baseline Corporation recommended that the Certificate and approval of the Site Development Plan be granted.
Alderman Paul Bennet said, “Let’s get it done,” and the Council approved the resolution.
The next meeting of the City of Black Hawk Council will be on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. For more information, go to