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Central City organizations give annual report to Council

Patrice LeBlanc
Posted 12/16/22

Mayor Fey called the meeting to order on December 6, 2022, at 7 p.m. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman Kara Tinucci and Alderman Jill Story. Mayor Pro Tem Judy

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Central City organizations give annual report to Council


Mayor Fey called the meeting to order on December 6, 2022, at 7 p.m. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman Kara Tinucci and Alderman Jill Story. Mayor Pro Tem Judy Laratta was absent.

Consent Agenda: Resolution No. 22:40 amending the City of Central Comprehensive Fee Schedule was approved unanimously. Resolution No. 22:43 approving extension of Professional Service Agreement with Prospective Business Solutions, LLC for 2022 Audit Services was approved unanimously. Resolution No. 20:24 approving extension of Professional Service Agreement with Complete Business Systems of Colorado, Inc. for information technology services was approved unanimously. Resolution No. 22:45 approving extension of Professional Service Agreement with IMEG, Corp was approved unanimously. Resolution No. 22:46 approving extension of Professional Service Agreement with Digital Data Services, Inc. was approved unanimously. Resolution No. 22:47 approving a Service Agreement between Central City and One-Way, Inc. for residential trash service was approved unanimously.

Second Reading and Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 22-11 approves the inclusion of certain property into the boundaries of the Central City Business Improvement District. The first reading was held on November 15, 2022, and there was no comment during the Public Hearing. Young Youth Ranch petitioned to include all properties within the boundary. The Ordinance was approved unanimously.

Ordinance 22:12 amends the Central City Municipal Code to impose an annual gaming fee device fee of $150. The first reading was held on November 15, 2022, and there was no public comment. Voters approved the fee in the recent election and the Ordinance amends the fee. The Ordinance was approved unanimously. Resolution No. 22:48 adopts the 2023 City Budget for the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and setting a Property Tax Mill Levy. The Resolution was approved unanimously.

Action Items/ New Business: Gilpin Historical Society: Jim Crawford gave the annual report for the Gilpin Historical Society. He reported 2022 had some challenges with staffing issues and attendance was down for the Cemetery Crawl and Creepy Crawl events. Central City helped fund Washington Hall and tours to the Opera House, Teller House, Thomas House, St. James Church and Weekly Register Call office. Mayor Fey added he would like to facilitate moving the History Museum to the Colorado Gaming Commission on Lawrence Street.

Main Street Commission: Barbara Thielemann gave the annual report for Main Street Commission. She reported the purpose of Main Street is to seek ways to help businesses in Colorado. Central City gave a $10,000 grant and Lisa Roemhildt offered staff support as the Community Development Director. The Commission received $7500 in mini grants and $9000 from the Colorado Energy official grant. Main Street just received an award from DOLA for their outstanding accomplishments in sponsoring Lou Bunch Days, the Pumpkin Patch and Tommyknocker Holidays. Alderman Story urged the City to investigate marketing strategies for all organizations that are not casino related.

Historic Preservation Board: Lisa Roemhildt reported on the Historic Preservation. The Board received a $25,000 grant for reimbursement on the Rock Wall Program and the Historic Paint program. They hope to offer the same programs in 2023. Roemhildt added there are two vacancies for the 2023 Board and Mayor Fey encouraged residents to sign up.

Gilpin County Arts Association: President Eric Miller was unable to attend the meeting and will give the annual report at the next Council meeting in January 2023.

Belvidere Foundation Board Appointment: City Manager Daniel Miera encouraged Council to appoint Jamie Boyle to the board of the Belvidere Foundation. Boyle recently left her position with Central City as the Historic Preservation Officer to work for Gilpin County. She served on the Belvidere Foundation as an Ex-Officio officer and has an interest in continuing her involvement with the Foundation as a board member. The appointment was approved unanimously.

Staff Updates: Daniel Miera reported he is required to report a State Annual Report of a 2% Sales Use tax to the Council. The funds will be set aside in a separate account. Revenues received in 2022 are $356,928.

Council Comments: Alderman Story thanked Central City for embracing her. She thanked the City staff, the community volunteers, the Business Improvement District for their investment in the City and the City Council for their decisions to guide the town. Mayor Fey thanked Story for the eleven months she served on the Council. Alderman Aiken thanked the staff for a great year. Alderman Tinucci added it was a wonderful year with the staff and thanked Mayor Pro Tem Laratta and Alderman Story for their service on the Council. She welcomed Marcia Enlow and Todd Williams to the Council in 2023. Mayor Fey commented on the death of County Commissioner Web Sill and all he did for the community. City Clerk Reba Bechtel read a statement from Mayor Pro Tem Laratta who was absent. Laratta has served on the Council since 2010 and thanked the City for allowing her the honor to serve. She thanked the staff for their work and added a special acknowledgement to Reba Bechtel for keeping the City stitched together.

Public Forum: Eric Langdon thanked the City staff for their efforts in the sale of the Scarlett building and looks forward to working with the City in the future. Gregory Meinke thanked Jill Story and staff and wished everyone a Happy Holiday.

The Council went into Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. The next City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. on January 3, 2023, at Central City Hall, 141 Nevada Street or online. Information can be found on the City website centralcity.colorado.gov/meetings.