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Central City Council awards $10,000 in scholarships

Patrice LeBlanc
Posted 8/2/23

The Central City Council meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m. on July 18, 2023, at 7 p.m. In attendance was Mayor Jeremy Fey, Mayor Pro Tem Kara Tinucci, Council members Jeff Aiken, Marcia

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Central City Council awards $10,000 in scholarships


The Central City Council meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m. on July 18, 2023, at 7 p.m. In attendance was Mayor Jeremy Fey, Mayor Pro Tem Kara Tinucci, Council members Jeff Aiken, Marcia Enloe and Todd Williams.

Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda included the Regular Bill through July 11, City Council minutes from July 20 and July 11, 2023, Resolution No. 23-28 amending the City of Central Comprehensive Fee Schedule, RW 23-02 for Rock Wall Repair at 310 Lawrence Street, and HR 23-24 for a new single-family build on E. 6th High Street. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously.

Public Forum: Betty Mahaffey comments pertained to Resolution No. 23-29 on the agenda authorizing the Brownsfield Grant Agreement for the Belvidere Theater and stated she was grateful for the support of the Council for the Belvidere Foundation.

Central City Promise Program Request: The Council awarded $10,000 in scholarships to local residents. Blake Boulter requested $5000 from the Central City Promise Program which supports high school graduates to attend postsecondary education. Boulter is a third-time applicant and attends Colorado School of Mines where he is pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering. Juan Madrigal-Garcia also requested $5000 for his continuing education at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California. The Council awarded both requests unanimously.

2022 Audit Presentation: City Finance Manager Abagail Robbins introduced Yli Keeley from Prospective Business Solutions, LLC who performed the Audit for 2022. Yli reported the opinion of the audit was unmodified and specified no areas of concern. The Council approved the audit unanimously.

Ordinance No. 23-09: The Ordinance amends Section 4-6-20 of the Municipal Code to add reference to the City’s real property acquisition policy. City Attorney Marcus McAskin explained to the Council the language was added to the code to make the requirements a standard. This was the first reading of the Ordinance. The second reading will be held on August 1, 2023. The Council approved the Ordinance unanimously.

Ordinance No. 23-10: This Ordinance included certain property known as the Denver West/Central City KOA Campground in the boundaries of the Central City Business Improvement District (BID). This resulted in the sale of City property to the KOA Campground with the position of joining the BID. This was the first reading of the Ordinance. The second reading will be held on August 1, 2023. The Council approved the Ordinance unanimously.

Resolution No. 23-29: This Resolution authorizes execution of a Brownsfield Grant Agreement with Colorado Department of Public health and Environment for asbestos abatement for the Belvidere Theatre Project. A grant was awarded for $115,351 toward abatement services and needs approval from the City Council. The Council approved the grant unanimously.

Ordinance No. 23-11: This Ordinance designates the site selection of arterial highways, interchanges and collector highways and areas around key interchanges as matters of state interests. This was the first reading of the Ordinance. The second reading will be held on August 15, 2023. The Council approved the Ordinance unanimously.

Staff Updates: City Manager Daniel Miera reported on the CDOT 1-70 Project on Floyd Hill and the Peak to Plains Project on US 6. Miera warned closures of both I-70 and US 6 will begin in August 2023. There is concern about the economic impact on the gaming and other industries affected by the closures.

Council Comments: Alderman Jeff Aiken thanked Abagail Robbins and the Finance Department for their job on the audit and budget. Mayor Fey read a statement he prepared about efficiency he would like to see for Central City.

Public Forum: Deb Wray inquired about the mill that is being acquired near the cemeteries and raised concern regarding the historical preservation with the ATVs and other activities in the area. Joe Behm from the BID and I-70 Coalition stated I-70 Eastbound will be closed Monday-Thursday from 9-4 in 20-minute intervals with 45-minute delays expected.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next meeting will be held on August 1, 2023, at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 141 Nevada, Street, Central City.