Mayor Jeremy Fey called the Central City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman Kara Tinucci, Alderman
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Mayor Jeremy Fey called the Central City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. In attendance were Mayor Jeremy Fey, Alderman Jeff Aiken, Alderman Kara Tinucci, Alderman Marcia Enloe, and Alderman Todd Williams. Staff present included City Manager Miera, Assistant City Attorney Myers, City Clerk Bechtel, Finance Director Robbins, and Community Development Director Roemhildt.
The Consent agenda was approved with no conflicts, which included regular bill lists through January 25, the City Council Minutes with addendums 2023-BOA-R-01 to 04, and the ratification of HR 23-02 TBD Academy Street - AT&T Mobility - New Stealth Tower.
A Public Forum was opened to anyone with concerns on agenda items. No one commented.
Action items included the appointment of Maryann Yuthas to the Central City Main Street Commission. Mayor Fey said it was a no-brainer due to her experience. In her letter to Reba Bechtel, she stated that she has extensive background in hospitality, hotel, attraction, and destination marketing. There was a motion to appoint Yuthas, a second, and all were in favor.
Next, James Everett, the prospective alternate appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission, said he is fascinated by the old buildings and has a background in construction and property management. All were in favor of his appointment.
Then the council examined Ordinance No. 23-01: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Central, Colorado, pertaining to places of assembly, amending the City of Central Land Development Code Sections 16-3-302, 16-5- 202, 202, 16-5-208, AND 16- 10-201, and providing for severability, repealer, and effective date.
The ordinance makes it possible for staff to entertain a conditional use application that might not meet the current code. It outlines things like remote parking, residential zones, and building sizes, in an effort to diversify the economy by supporting special events.
A motion was made to approve the ordinance, it was seconded; and all were in favor. There will be a second reading later this month on February 21.
Resolution 23-03 authorizes the acquisition of a pickup truck for the City Water Department. All were in favor.
The next action item was Resolution No. 23-04: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Central, Colorado, approving appointments to the Board of Directors of The Belvidere Foundation. Some appointments will expire soon. Mayor Fey thanked the volunteers for the Belvidere project. All were in favor.
There were no staff updates.
Council comments included thanks to the Central City Volunteer Firefighter Department and to various members of the community for their dedication.
Public comments included an invitation from one of the Belvidere Foundation Directors to attend a Valentine’s Dance at the Elks Lodge, 113 Main Street, this Saturday, February 11, at 8 p.m.
A motion was made to move into Executive Session and all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
The next Central City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. on February 21, 2023, at Central City Hall, 141 Nevada Street or online. Information can be found on the City website meetings.