The Gilpin County Commissioners called their regular meeting to order at 9 a.m. on July 10, 2023. In attendance were Commissioner Marie A. Mornis from District 1, Commissioner Susan Berumen from
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The Gilpin County Commissioners called their regular meeting to order at 9 a.m. on July 10, 2023. In attendance were Commissioner Marie A. Mornis from District 1, Commissioner Susan Berumen from District 2, Commissioner Sandy Hollingsworth from District 3, County Manager Ray Rears, Deputy Clerk to the Board Margaret Keller, and County Attorney Brad Benning.
There were no conflicts of interest but Hollingsworth said she would refrain from discussion on extending building permit fees if the issue arises.
The consent agenda included the Treasurer’s Report for May 2023 and the Clerk and Recorder’s End of Month Report for June 2023. All were in favor of approving the reports.
The Board then recessed as the Board of County Commissioners and convened as the Board of Equalization.
Assessor April Nielsen delivered the Assessor’s Report to the Board of Equalization. She reported that 9,086 notices of value were mailed on May 1. The assessor’s office received 1,086 appeals, of which 413 were adjusted and 670 were denied.
The commissioners said they appreciated the update. The Board adjourned as the Board of Equalization and reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners.
Sheriff Kevin Armstrong approached with Resolution 23-49, asking the Board to approve a law enforcement academy repayment agreement in the amount of $7,800. The program offers individuals employment as detention officers who can attend the academy for free if they commit three years to the Department. Gilpin County has five certified deputies as a result. All were in favor.
Rears presented the board with Resolution 23-50 approving a contract for janitorial services with Omnipro Cleaning Company Inc. In 2022 the County was not pleased with ZTL Inc.’s cleaning of the County buildings and quickly released an RFP to find a new contractor. Omnipro responded and has been successfully performing the work for a number of months. Rears requested a review and authorization to negotiate and sign a final contract with the cleaning company.
The commissioners said the goal is to have this job in-house and be more affordable, but staffing issues have demanded an RFP. A staffing study is underway that will assist in judging the cost of services. A motion to approve passed 3-0.
James Shrout, City Planner, presented Resolution BLE-23-1, a Boundary Line Elimination for 71 Pine Drive.
The subject property currently has a single-family dwelling and is only seeking to eliminate boundary lines to create a larger parcel. Larger parcels are seen as a positive to the County as this removes the buildability of a lot and maintains a more rural aesthetic for the County.
In this case, the two parcels of land are 0.66 acres each. The post-elimination parcel size would create a single lot. The motion passed 3-0.
The board then adjourned as the Board of County Commissioners and convened as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority.
Clerk and Recorder Sahari McCormick presented an annual liquor license renewal application for Underground Liquors, located at 15107 Highway 119. She said they have met all of their requirements to have their license renewed. The Sheriff’s Office has confirmed that their background check has cleared and all fees have been paid. All were in favor.
The Board then adjourned as Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners.
During the County Attorney’s Report, Benning said Union Pacific (UP) has agreed to remediate the East Portal Work Cabins except for the roofing of the cabins. The County has to contract with UP to hire an engineering firm to do an analysis of the roofing. Benning is currently in negotiations.
Rears delivered the County Manager’s Report, and commended Public Works for working very hard to repair the roadways. There have been a number of applicants for the Human Services Director position. The Gilpin County Fair will be this weekend.
During the Commissioners’ Report, Berumen reported that Jefferson County has another mental health resource in Evergreen and is looking to provide more resources for Gilpin County residents.
Mornis said that the Commissioners will ride in the dignitary carriage on Friday, July 14 during the Gilpin County parade. There is a special meeting and a work session scheduled for July 18 starting at 9 a.m. in the Historic Courthouse on Eureka Street.
The meeting adjourned into Executive Session at 9:59 a.m.
The next regular meeting of the Gilpin County Board of County Commissioners is scheduled for July 25 at 9 a.m. and is held in person at 203 Eureka Street in Central City and online via Zoom.