The Black Hawk City Council approved the acquisition of properties for construction of roadways and set hearings for annexing property during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 12,
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The Black Hawk City Council approved the acquisition of properties for construction of roadways and set hearings for annexing property during a regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at 211 Church Street in Black Hawk. The Council also approved the acquisition of Lots 6-12, Block 42 and approved a new retail liquor store license for Peak to Peak Market LLC.
City Attorney Corey Hoffmann introduced an ordinance stating the intent of the City of Black Hawk to acquire certain property for the construction, expansion, and improvement of city streets and roadways. He said that the ordinance authorizes acquisition of properties for construction of roadways for Tin Cup Whiskey and Lake Gulch Road.
City Manager Stephen Cole introduced a resolution approving the acquisition of Lots 6-12, Block 42, within the City of Black Hawk. The City had previously purchased one-third interest in the property, and owners wanted to sell the remaining interest. He closed last week on one for about $11,000.
Mayor David Spellman said that picking up one third worked well.
The resolution authorizes the City Manager to purchase 1/3 interest of the city lots owned by Slizowski Slawomir for $10,000 plus closing costs and ratification of the purchase of 1/3 interest in the same city lots owned by Mary and George Gornik in the amount of $11,202.94 which included closing costs.
On December 22, 2022, the City purchased 1/3 interest in lot 6 through 12, Block 42, from Lucja Kabala and Andrzej Kabala for $10,000 plus closing costs. The remaining two owners expressed interest in selling the remaining 2/3 interest in the property under the same terms, according to background.
These are residential lots located above Gregory Point (Mountain City) and are being acquired to establish an open space for biking and hiking on Gregory Hill. Mary and George Gornik expressed interest in closing early on the property (Thursday, April 6, 2023) for $11,202.94 before the Council meeting scheduled for April 12, 2023.
The purchase was made within the City Manager’s purchasing authority, but the City Manager requested the City Council ratify the purchase and approve the purchase of the remaining 1/3 ownership interest held by Slizowski Slawomir. The additional purchases will give the City full ownership of those lots.
The Council approved the purchase.
City Attorney Corey Hoffmann said the City Clerk has received four annexation requests, which includes property that has been surrounded for three years. On April 26, the City will begin the process for resolutions of compliance and set a public hearing for the first meeting in June. The properties include Maryland Mountain, Quartz Valley and Lake Gulch Road.
The Council approved a new retail liquor store license for Peak to Peak Market LLC dba Peak to Peak Liquors located at 7320 Black Hawk Blvd, Suite 1A. The City Clerk’s office received a new Retail Liquor Store license application from Peak to Peak Market LLC dba Peak to Peak Liquors on February 9, 2023, at which time it was also deemed complete.
The Retail Liquor Store will be located at the convenience store they lease at 7320 Black Hawk Blvd, Suite 1A. The application is under concurrent review with the state, pending local approval.
The Council approved resolutions for the design of the Copper Kitchen Pizzeria and the police department. The Council approved the resolution approving the contract between Black Hawk and Roche Constructors, Inc. for Pre-Construction Services Pertaining to the Gregory Point Site Improvements Project, and a resolution approving the contract between the City and Roche Constructors, Inc. for Pre-Construction Services Pertaining to the Lace House Rehabilitation Project
The next meeting of the Black Hawk City Council will be on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. For more information, go to