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Gilpin County Community Center 250 Norton Drive 303-582-1453 Pool Hours Call to confirm prior to coming Monday/ Wednesday/ Thursday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Friday: 8

Nederland Area Seniors

Senior lunches in March on Wednesdays at noon. Please, RVSP at 303-258-0799. Yoga stretches 11 - 11:30 a.m. March 22 - Vegetarian chili, corn tortilla chips, sour cream, mixed greens with balsamic

Youth Art Show

The first Youth Art Show, hosted by The Mountain-Ear, Brightwood Music and The Peak to Peak Chamber, has wrapped up for spring entries. The art is now being judged by local artists. The contest

On Saturday, March 25, 2023, events at Nederdays will include a sled race and a wood splitting competition. Brian Biggs with the Nederland Parks Department said the sled race will go down 1st

Come one! Come all! Your Nederland Community Library is hosting two exciting workshops during Nederdays 2023. The library’s “Homestead Skills” events will take place on Saturday, March

Movie of the Week: Pinocchio

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio March 17 and 18 Friday and Saturday Evenings at 7 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. A father’s wish magically brings a wooden boy to life in Italy, giving

Pet of the Week: Canoli

I feel lovely, just the way I am... Needing gentle, quiet, feline energy in your empty house? How about a one-year-old sweet female, ready to keep you company on a cold Rocky Mountain


The Mountain-Ear regrets that there were errors in the Golden Gate Fire Protection District article in the March 9 edition. Members of the District Board have offered their corrections: The chief

It was the festival scene that brought Ryan Blackwell to Nederland. These big events didn’t just bring tourists and tax revenue, they brought some amazing musicians over the years, perpetuating

Peak to Peak Endurance is a nonprofit organization that’s dedicated to supporting youth organizations across the Peak to Peak area and providing youth with access to outdoor programs and

Nederland Area Seniors

Senior lunches in March on Wednesdays at noon. Please, RVSP at 303-258-0799. Yoga stretches 11 - 11:30 a.m. March 14 - Hot springs and Beau Jo’s trip to Idaho Springs (RSVP at

Gilpin County Seniors

March 9 - Grocery shopping at Bergen Park Walmart March 10 - Free Senior Fit Class 11 a.m., Lunch 12:15 p.m., Social Time March 13 - Free Senior Fit Class 11 a.m. March 15 - Lunch 12:15

Gilpin County Community Center 250 Norton Drive 303-582-1453 Pool Hours – Please call to confirm prior to coming Monday/ Wednesday/ Thursday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 4:30 - 7:30

 In this week's episode, we hear from Stephanie Andelman, one of the organizers for Nederdays. Maryanne Rosen tells us the story behind the Ides of March. Dango Rose interviews Josh Moyer from The

So, you moved to the mountains because you love wildlife and want to be close to nature. That’s great! Do you know what isn’t great? Harassing wildlife. Feeding wildlife is a form of

Correction to PROSAB article

Correction for the article printed in February, 23, 2023, issue of The Mountain Ear titled “PROSAB looks at trails, training.” The article incorrectly stated that a GOCO grant of $284,000 was

It’s March Madness at The Mountain-Ear and that means we’re doing all kinds of fun stuff!During March you can view all of the content on our websites for free. Check it out at www.themtnear.com

Jennifer Cook, Gilpin County’s Extension Director and Agent, has announced an important workshop for Gilpin residents. The Radon, Well, and Septic Workshop will be held on March 21 from 6:30 –

Housing Needs Assessment

The Town of Nederland in coordination with Bohannan Huston are excited to introduce the Nederland Housing Needs Assessment! The purpose of the project is to evaluate housing cost and needs to develop

Movie of the Week: Ant Man and the Wasp

Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania March 11 and 12 Friday Evening at 7 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne, along with Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, explore the

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